Seriously, Why Do Trump Fans KEEP SUPPORTING HIM?? | Christopher Titus | Armageddon Update

6 thoughts on “Seriously, Why Do Trump Fans KEEP SUPPORTING HIM?? | Christopher Titus | Armageddon Update

    1. Hi MDavis. I agree. I so enjoy his videos and the research he does on them. This is a smart person doing the work, not just someone spewing into to a mic. I love his comedy shows. Hugs. Scottie


    1. Hi Ten Bears. Yes exactly. He acts as they want to, he is a racist bigoted bully who abuses people and doesn’t seem to have to obey any of the normal accepted behavior in public without suffering consequences for it. They want to make racist remarks, call people names, insult gays and trans, and be rude and socially unacceptable and they don’t want to be called out for it or have any consequences. They want to act as he does. When they say he talks like they do, that is what they mean. Hugs. Scottie


  1. Anyone with half a brain can see exactly what Titus sees. I love the way he tells it.

    How the half wits that love that orange idiot can find their pie hole, is a mystery to me. I’m fairly certain that the combination of right wing propaganda, and social media, have managed to make stupid contagious.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi ShellDigger. Well said. It is clear from their rather large size that most of them can find it, and when not using it to spew crazy nonsense they fill it with pie and everything else they can find. As for stupid, they only listen to people that spout what they like to hear and if someone does say something they don’t like or believe then it is fake news, a lie, or some other conspiracy. So yes their stupidity feeds on itself, increasing every day. Hugs. Scottie


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