The GOP Has A Plan! It Will Backfire!

Everything that Tengrain says is true.  But it is not new.  Remember Netanyahu pulled this during the Obama administration.   Currently he brags how he has for decades screwed over the US government and how he can make the US congress / republicans do anything he wants.   Why??? Well the Israeli government lobby in the US spends millions on millions on every congressional race, trying to get only pro Israel candidates elected.   Yet while the ultra pro Israel lobby has billions of dollars to spend influences US elections, the US taxpayers give Israel about 4 billion a year plus all the military support they want.  Does that make sense?  To Israel, they see the US as an ATM they can abuse and take all they want.   Hugs.  Scottie

4 thoughts on “The GOP Has A Plan! It Will Backfire!

  1. To me, it’s not fair to frame it as Israel doing this, but it is definitely fair to frame it as Netanyahu doing that, because it is him and his extremist government. Others’s mileage may vary.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Ali. I read this morning that Israel as a government just annexed another 10 Kilometers of West Bank land including East Jerusalem for settlers. The minister who announced the annexation said it was land god gave the Jewish people and used the biblical names. It cuts the West Bank in half. That means one side of the people in the West Bank can’t trade or do business with the other side of the West bank because Israel refuses to let Palestinians cross their territory. It is the view of the current Israeli government believes all the land in the area was given to them by their god, they believe they have the right to kill, abuse, and drive off the Palestinians, and I wonder if after they get all the land allotted to Israel now, will they start trying to take the rest of the land they think their god gave to them from other countries. And if so, will the US support them in pulling a Russia in Ukraine.

      So while it is not fair to blame all Jewish people, it is more than fair to blame all of this atrocity on the Israeli government along with Bibi. He has long thumbed his nose at Democratic presidents and bragged about it starting with Bill Clinton. The republicans deserve the same blame as they are doing everything they can to support both Israel and Bibi in this new version of Holocaust. Hugs. Scottie

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    1. Hi Ten Bears. I agree 100%. This is a genocide. Look the phrase Never Again has to apply to everyone, not just to Jewish people. But Bibi and many in his government have used the sympathy for what Hitler did to get away with abusing the Palestinian people Since Israel was formed. But while I have sympathy for those Jews that suffered under Hitler, I do not have a feeling that the world owes them a pass to abuse others with impunity. Yes, he is a war criminal. Some say George Bush was also. I think they might be correct. Hugs. Scottie


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