AI Trump …

Once again, Ten Bears found a grand video to share with us.  Thank you Ten Bears.   Hugs.  Scottie

6 thoughts on “AI Trump …

    1. Hi Jeff. Yes it really captures the truth of the trump / maga relationship. Yet the cult doesn’t see how they are being used. I sometimes read of these cults in the past that the members would let the cult leaders sexually abuse their children, thinking it is a huge blessing for little boys and girls to spend the night in the cult leader’s bed pleasing him sexually. It is so sickening, hitting me really hard as an abuse survivor and Jeff I see the maga cult the same way as those other cults. tRump was creditably accused of raping a virgin 13 yr girl at Jeffrey Epstein place. And it was not the once, he was there often. But the girl’s report on this was chilling. But the maga cult would turn their teen girls over to him in a heart beat. How many excused his sexual assault of women and claim he could grab their …

      So yes he sees them as suckers to bleed of every cent. It has come out his PACs were paying his legal bills to the point of over 90,000 a day. Mom and pop on social security were giving up their needed money to pay the self claiming billionaire legal bills. Bills because he cheated, committed fraud, and stole money. As he is stealing theirs. Plus now republican candidates will lose out as his take over of the RNC is as complete as his take over of the former republican / now trump party. He is also bleeding it dry.

      Thanks Jeff. Hope all is well for you, I miss hearing from you. Hugs. Scottie


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