ARS TECHNICA: Thousands of phones and routers swept into proxy service, unbeknownst to users

Thousands of phones and routers swept into proxy service, unbeknownst to users
Two new reports show criminals may be using your device to cover their online tracks.

Read in Ars Technica:

Shared from Apple News

Best Wishes and Hugs,Scottie

2 thoughts on “ARS TECHNICA: Thousands of phones and routers swept into proxy service, unbeknownst to users

    1. Hi Suze. Yes that is true. But while I dislike to talk on the phone, not a fan of it, I love the other features of my iPhone. I use them all the time. But our Asus router Hugs. Scottie got hit with a Russian bot virus I couldn’t clear, it got encoded into the bios then locked any change to the bios. So we had to buy a new one. Currently my model / brand router is not on known hacked lists, but it is possible. I reset it often. Hugs. Scottie

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