THE GUARDIAN: Israel alone? Allies’ fears grow over conduct – and legality – of war in Gaza

Israel alone? Allies’ fears grow over conduct – and legality – of war in Gaza
When the US allowed a ceasefire resolution to pass at the UN, the warning was clear – and concern is rising elsewhere

Read in The Guardian:

Shared from Apple News

Best Wishes and Hugs,Scottie

5 thoughts on “THE GUARDIAN: Israel alone? Allies’ fears grow over conduct – and legality – of war in Gaza

  1. The new level of warfare between Israel and Palestine moves against the backdrop of a pivotal US Presidential Election year.

    With the current Israeli extremist government’s actions paralleling Hamas’ and the American Republicans displaying their contempt for the US constitution we are seeing more extremism at a time when the world desperately needs less.

    There is no doubt that the US has been keeping a weather eye on the domestic situation in Israel and the groundswell of dissatisfaction with the current government’s failures.

    Therefore bearing in mind this news item:

    Israel: Benjamin Netanyahu protests put political divides back on show – BBC News

    And the US government’s awareness of that level discontent.

    Can it be argued that the US’s recent manoeuvres in the UN over the situation be seen as the beginning of an attempt at regime change in Israel by a subtle use of a type of Soft-Power?

    If folk do really, truly care about the situation, to help the Palestinians it is also essential to support Israeli opposition groups, it’s not hard to find them on the web

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Roger. Everything you wrote is so damningly true. The recent attack on the World Aid Kitchen with their markers on their car when leaving a World Aid Kitchen in a deconflicted zone and they coordinated the movements with the Israeli military, they were still hit, attacked, and killed. That seems the message is clear. Stop helping the Palestinians we are trying to kill and drive out.

      It worked. The food aid provided stopped. The company understood it was targeted and would be suffering more attacks, so stopped providing food aid to starving people.

      I am not anti-Jewish persons due to their religion. I have been against orthodox Jewish leaders / followers for what they teach the children in their schools in New York where they newly adults can quote the Torah verbatim but can not even add simple numbers and live on government assistance. That is child abuse along with government abuse causing the rest of society to support them.

      But I am not sure if the people of Israel truly understand the situation. Only pro war stuff is allowed in the media. Anyone speaking against the war can be legally detained and prosecuted, just like in Russia. Think on that Russia a dictatorship and Israel claiming to be a democracy have the same media policies. It really raises red flags for me.

      But now with international media maybe leaking through they do. But many warn these protests are not about the war, but about Bibi himself. They are tired of him and want him gone. He is their trump.

      What happens next I don’t know. But my feelings towards Israel have been forever changed. I want them isolated from international support and protection. They just struck a diplomatic outpost of Iran’s. They are acting like the regional bully instead of trying to work things out because they think the US will always protect them. The little brother abusing others because if anyone tries to stop him, big brother might step in. But this goes too far, something Israel is doing everywhere. They attacked a diplomatic outpost. Something the US has always felt off limits. Frankly I hope Iran hits one of theirs in response. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

      By my dogs that love gravy I must be in a talkative mood today, this reply got far longer that your comment needed. Sorry for abusing your attention. Love your comments they are so often thought provoking. Hugs. Scottie

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      1. Hi Scottie.
        With UK citizens killed in the attack on the World Aid Kitchen, the UK government has been sharp with The Israeli Government and there’s talk of ceasing arms supplies.
        It seems Jerusalem is saying it will conduct an investigation. Whether this reveals some extreme strategy to strangle supplies, a unit being loose with how to proceed or a few rogue operators so ramped up in war that they attacked in ‘malice aforethought’ (as an old term was); they may produce a scapegoat or they may say it was a regrettable accident.
        There is a very grim reality here. This is straight out of the Middle East playbook; such events over the past 120 years, be they in (alphabetical order) Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Palestine or Syria; be they conducted by government forces, government sponsored forces or the number of independent groups operating there, or France and Britain, then the USA or Russia, still non-combatants be they civilians, medical staff, journalists or aid workers are killed and those responsible are only brought to account if they themselves are targeted.

        Currently the Arabian states and Muslim based actors within this slaughterground are in one of their uneasy quarrelsome almost alliance where trust is the last if ever used commodity. Israel is reliant upon its own abilities shifting relationships with Arab states when it suits both parties and in general western governments making amends for the long centuries of abuse of the Jews. Yet now Israel is spending up the last coins forged out of that heritage and has to stand hopeful of a Trump victory so that his managers in the US Evangelical movement can get back into the unconditional driving wheel to live out their Book of Revelation Fantasy in the odd marriage of both Fundamentalist Christian and Jewish frenzy.
        And still Russia waits judging the time when it can move in again safe in the knowledge that willing dupes in both the Western Left and Right will give it free pass.

        I can stand back a measure and be morally, questionable in my detachment as to what is happening. The mutual slaughter of two or three or four sets of peoples over land, culture, politics, religion. I can give you other examples of similar and even greater death tolls in times and places not mentioned or even forgotten these days. Unless professional reading too much of this is not recommended, you can fall into despair, depression, cynicism or go rampant one way or another, seeing just victims on one side and evil on the other, forgetting Reality lies in the middle. You could spend a soul-draining time seeking out atrocities on this scale, replace the time, the place, the enactors and the victims, and swap them all around in a ghastly shuffling of the pack.

        And what fate lies for Israel? Abandoned to her own devices, to collapse in on herself through internal struggles. The current leadership is under assault from within, even though they have a MAGA like following Israeli politics is a complex business filled with unlikely coalitions. Of course they can play their ace card and say without much effort that where were all these protests when another ethnic group were being slaughtered? They can say with barely missing a beat ‘They are out to destroy Us, the jews again,’ And maybe the population will listen yet again, circle the wagons to go down fighting one last time, or maybe scatter, again. Whatever the outcome, if there were no Jews left in the Middle East the fighting would go on and on, another reason found.

        Death and Irony walk hand in hand, trampling over the living and the dying. It could have been different, but that lament is for another time.

        Well Scottie we both have a great deal to say, from one side or another, though when the two are placed by side to side, we are both angry and in anguish at the pointless, cruel losses of life. And we are both at a loss as to what is to be done.
        Like millions of others who ask….How did we get here? Some say the world has gone mad. I reckon it was never wholly, safely sane, just very innovative.

        Take care both of you

        Roger & Sheila.

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        1. Hi Roger. All of what you wrote is true and important. The last two paragraph especially right as hard truth for me. You are correct, I don’t like the loss of life, the violence, the hate, the bigotry, and the fear of the other. I also just don’t know what to do about most of it. All I can do is keep trying to spread the words of kindness and love.

          As to if the world is sane … Roger sometimes I wonder if I am! Ron says it is remarkable I have come through my childhood as well adjusted as I am. After all, the first time Ron met my adoptive parents, sitting at the table to eat the adoptive father reached over and started playing with the adoptive mother’s breasts vigorously. She took her fork and stabbed him deeply in his arm. As blood ran down his arm he laughed at the entire thing as Ron sat there in shock. So when I started telling him of my world growing up he understood. The world I grew up in was not sane. Hugs. Scottie

          Liked by 1 person

          1. You obviously have great reserves of inner strength Scottie to have survived all of that.
            The fellow who was you adopted father was either mentally unbalanced or a despicable creature.
            Like Ron I am in awe of your survival and recovery.

            All the best
            Roger & Sheila

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