Let’s talk about Trump failing with FISA, fading, and the future….

11 thoughts on “Let’s talk about Trump failing with FISA, fading, and the future….

    1. Hi Roger. Nope he wants no one to see or know the great amount of foreign help he gets from people like Putin and other dictators. FISA caught Mike Flynn trying to get dealings and secretly communicating with Russia during the first tRump campaign. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 is a United States federal law that establishes procedures for the surveillance and collection of foreign intelligence on domestic soil. But it often catches US citizens who are doing illegal acts with foreigners. tRump is terrified his crimes with other government will be found out. Hugs. Scottie

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        1. Hi Roger. About that lack of respect of the law. He has complained bitterly that he is being required to attend the trial every day, he is required to sit quietly at the defense table during trial, and that he doesn’t get to set the rules. In other words, he is being treated like every other criminal defendant, and he hates it. He is demanding special treatment and rights, he is demanding to be in charge. And he has no power to make himself in charge. I guess he was so angry at being referred to as Mr. tRump instead of president tRump, but that is the proper way to refer to him as he is NOT the sitting president. Yet due to his craven need for power and the look of being important, he has demanded since leaving office to being called President tRump. Hugs. Scottie

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          1. Technically I believe a president keeps the title, although most retired presidents being mature persons do not insist upon it.
            Trump of course being the eternal spoilt brat of ten feels otherwise.
            You can see why his followers are of the fanatical sort. Years back this sort of behaviour would have lost the vast majority of the support base by now.

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            1. Hi Roger. Not so but most are called that out of respect. The official title is former president. And addressing a former president by Mr. if a male is totally acceptable. See the US has only ONE PRESIDENT at a time, which until tRump all former presidents respected. Oh yes, tRump has so craved the trappings so much he pays for a pretend motorcade even when not provided by police. It is all to sooth his ego and make him look the still great and grand …OZ … The guy behind the curtain. Hugs. Scottie

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              1. Thanks for sorting that nuance out for me Scottie.
                So it is something earned out of respect.
                And not as Trump would see it, his right. Typical
                Did you know our shortest term Prime Minster Liz Truss who in the aftermath of her brief farcical tenure has slipped so far into the realms of the Right she is now endorsing Trump (she has a new book out- tragic the lengths some with go to force the sales)

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                1. Hi Roger. Speaking of tRump’s ego. I just found out he pays a person $130,000 a year to scour the internet and find positive comments and stories about him, that flatter him. The person prints them off to show him. They follow him on the golf course and they are also in the courtroom with him. Wow, what a fragile idiot he is. Yet the maga worship him as the alpha male. Hugs. Scottie

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                  1. There was the British polite expression of exasperation to be used in front of children:
                    ‘Oh my giddy aunt!’
                    My own recourse to polite exasperation is an old American one:
                    ‘Geez Louise!!’
                    Of course you and I both know there are more ‘earthy’ ones we could use.
                    But let us dignify ourselves with polite statements….
                    No, I can’t resist…because I do so love using traditional Americanism….
                    ‘What a Shmuck!’

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                    1. It would not surprise me in the least Scottie.
                      In his overheated and twisted way this will be ‘evidence’ to support his wild ideas that ‘The Deep State’ is out to get him. He will feed this back to his fan base who will of course revel in it.
                      The phrase ‘It beggars belief’ springs to mind.

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