EXPLAINED: Why TERF-In-Chief JK Rowling Is Celebrating Trans-Care Review Findings | Erin Reed | TMR

To be clear I have had both the Cass report and the wpath files thrown at me by anti-trans hater activists.  What they refuse to do is listen to the follow up that destroys each of these as false, misleading, taken out of context, and in some cases what the haters claim is directly against what both reported finding.  Like anti-vaxxers and maga, the anti-trans terfs feel comfortable lying about what really is to try to convince people that their weird views are correct.  I have looked into this and even some people that claim to be my friend on this channel refuse to hear or read anything that disagrees with their anti-trans ideas.  Even when those ideas are clearly proven wrong.  They are no different from Covid / vaccine deniers, flat earthers, and others who prefer their prejudices and old ways to the accual facts.  Hugs.  Scottie

Journalist Erin Reed, author of the Erin In The Morning newsletter on SubStack, discusses the recent gender identity review by the National Health Services (NHS) in the United Kingdom.

5 thoughts on “EXPLAINED: Why TERF-In-Chief JK Rowling Is Celebrating Trans-Care Review Findings | Erin Reed | TMR

  1. First, I am not defending any terf for their position, and my use of “terf” should indicate how wrong I believe they are.

    I am aware that for some women, their terfy feelings stem from a real concern about men taking hard-won issues away from women. This is true especially in women who, say, got married and maybe also bore children to the marriage, then the husband abandoned his family, and the woman had to fight for the survival of herself and her children, with all the hard work that entails. They can’t (yet) separate men from transwomen.

    But, their concern is obviously misplaced, same as the people who are afraid that equality for all will take away some of their own rights, somehow. But, I am aware of from where terfyness springs in some people, and wanted to say something. Some of those are reachable people. Again, not defending actual terfs, though. There is a big difference between men and women, including transwomen.

    Personally, I’m all for letting the transwomen have all the high heels. (humor there.)

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    1. Hi Ali. I totally understand what you are saying. I also understood Nan when she complained she wouldn’t feel comfortable with a trans woman in the same bathroom as her. I tried to gently talk her through it. Asking her what are you doing in a woman’s bathroom, showing each others your private parts. No you go into a stall and do your thing, then come out and wash your hands. No sharing of private parts. But Nan wouldn’t budge. She is totally against trans people, especially trans women. Nothing can change her mind, then she hit me with why do gay people have to be so in our face because she had friends who were a couple but pretended to be roommates to all but a few people. She went on to tell me it was better when gay people did not push themselves on others but just lived their lives. I asked her if she and her husbands had held hands in public or kissed, and why should that be OK but not for me and Ron.

      That is when I told her she had reached the point of where she couldn’t adapt to changes in society. She turned on me, embraced Tildeb the anti-trans activist who pushes every disproven debunked shit about trans people. I am sorry I lost her as a friend. But I understand it. She likes the world she is comfortable in and doesn’t like the modern world. She is in her upper 80s.

      As far as taking things away from women. The foremost anti-trans sports person, Riley Gaines, tied for fifth with a trans woman swimmer. Yet she has turned her loss in to a lucrative career of claiming her win was stolen from her by a “man” She is paid big money for that. She failed as a professional swimmer, she wouldn’t put in the work. Yet when it is looked into to it falls apart. First she tied for 5th, four other women came in before her. Then it turns out while she missed training sessions, Lea trained extra hard on their own time. Tildeb threw this at me until I kept pointing out these facts. Then they stopped mentioning it. That is typical of the anti-trans bigots.

      See any time these anti-trans people get hit with facts or their myths / lies are refuted, they shrink away because their goal is to create an emotional firestorm against trans people. The facts are against them.

      Ali would it surprise you to know some of the biggest activist for women’s issues in divorce and child support are trans women? If you want to google it. Trans women are far more supportive of women rights than the right wing republicans. Well it makes sense they are women use to fighting for their rights.

      Got to go, this is an interesting topic. If you want to talk further on it, I would love to. I know you are a supporter as I am. But so many people don’t know how misleading and nefarious the haters have become. Hugs. Scottie

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      1. Yeah, I understand what you’re saying, too. I didn’t mean terfs or other anti-trans people, simply people who are leery but learning, if that makes sense. It was obvious to me that tildeb was just stirring crap. I’m a little surprised about Nan; I thought she might be the leery but learning type.
        I guess, I came from an abusive marriage before my wonderful husband of 30 years. Having struggled over fear, and over housing and employment and just surviving (I know you know what I mean, and I didn’t do it as long as you,) though I have had trans friends over the years so they don’t bother me, I can see where women coming from abusive situations where men really do have all the power would be leery of transwomen, especially at the beginnings of their transitions. Initially, I thought that’s where JK Rowling was coming from, too; her own history with being powerless to take care of herself and her children with men in the way all the time. But she’s truly been around, literally, enough to know fine people, and there’s no excuse for her being nasty. And Riley Gaines, well, with that hair and those eyes she can get herself anywhere she’d want to, though she might not like some of what she has to do since she evidently isn’t gifted or talented at any one thing. She shouldn’t be so selfish. But I don’t want to just write off everyone who seems afraid, because some people do see that all women are women, including transwomen.

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        1. Hi Ali. Beautifully said. I am sorry you were in an abuse relationship. The fact that some women who have been abused or mistreated by men in a man’s environment be it at home or in the work force, the lack of control is hard on a person. But that stems from the fact that they can not get past the idea of gender, which is what boy / girl women / man is directly related to if your sexual reproductive organs stick out or internal. If it dangles they are a boy, not understanding that just because that person was pronounced to have a dangle they don’t feel like a boy and don’t see themselves as male. That is Nan’s sticking point, if it dangles it is a boy / man if not girl / woman so everything that is gender related like bathrooms for them should go by if it is an outtie or innie. 

          The need to understand gender is not between the legs but between the ears. A trans woman is a woman in all things that mean being a woman, and a trans man is a man in everything that means being a man. A trans person in the bathroom sees themselves as that gender, so a trans woman in a woman’s bathroom is not feeling like a man to sexually molest or harass a woman. A trans person in a locker room is not any more likely to check anyone out more than anyone else. Not sure if women know this but almost all guys check each other out in locker rooms … since we were little boys we worried if ours … measured up so to speak. I bet women do something similar especially when younger. I know you understand this I am writing it out for those who might stumble on the post and need to hear that.  

          I just don’t know how to reach those people who claim that trans woman are a man because they have a dangle. It has been repeated over and over. It is like vaccine deniers, mask deniers, it is a willful choice to believe something not true because it makes them more comfortable or is what their group pushes. You seen the effort I put in with Ragnarbhut and couldn’t move him an inch. Same with Tildeb, he is driven by hate of trans people. But he is not alone, on Vaush’s channel a priest is spouting well debunked talking points of the anti-trans people. He is claiming only 2% of young people who believe they are the other gender don’t grow out of it as they age. All kids go through phases and if they are not allowed to experiment and given counseling to tell them they are the gender they were assigned then they will quit that nonsense. He is wrong, it is so dismissive I want to scream. Here is a priest who if true to his vows knows nothing of raising kids, but he thinks he knows more than most of the major medical associations.  So frustrating how many people know more than trained professionals. Hugs. Scottie

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    2. Hi Ali. One other thing I meant to say and then got called away by Ron. As for high heels. Anyone who can walk, run, and deal with them … wow they have my respect. I never could do that. I marched in combat boots and thought that was hard. I can not imagine trying to walk in hi heels. Hugs. Scottie

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