THE TENNESSEAN: Tennessee lawmakers pass bill allowing teachers, school staff to carry concealed handguns

Tennessee lawmakers pass bill allowing teachers, school staff to carry concealed handguns
The legislation sailed through the lower chamber and will go to Gov. Bill Lee’s desk. After the vote, the House descended into chaos.

Read in The Tennessean:

Shared from Apple News

Best Wishes and Hugs,Scottie

7 thoughts on “THE TENNESSEAN: Tennessee lawmakers pass bill allowing teachers, school staff to carry concealed handguns

  1. Of course some over-worked, over-stressed teacher on the verge of having a melt down won’t pull said weapon and wave it all the class clowns who have not listened to verbal warnings. Gosh no.
    They will be cool, calm and collected primed and ready for the person who bursts in on their class with an assault weapon, and said teacher will adroitly before their class gun the invader down. Who will of course just clutch their chest, wince and bloodlessly fall to the ground.
    Absolutely perfect. Guns solve everything.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Roger. I love the sarcasm and I agree with it. How long until a teacher leaves it unsecured on or in their desk and a kid gets it. In the US a six year old shot his teacher. Teachers should be trained to nurture and love kids, not kill them. How is an untrained teacher to hold it together and handle a class of terrified screaming kids or a hallway of them and still calmly shoot only the bad guy when trained cops can not do it? Stupid people don’t want to solve the problem they want to get paid by the gun lobby and have the support of their cultist base. Hugs. Scottie

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Ali. Two more red states have passed the same laws. Tragedy will result. Thanks for the link. That is a grand company. I wish more US companies felt the same way. Protect and care for the workers and they will give all to the company.

      Ali when I was in the Army and I led a satellite station shift I was well aware of the motto or unwritten command we in charge were given. Maybe it was written, but I was not give training on it, it was simply told to me.
      The mission is #1 the job is to accomplish the mission, #2 is taking care of your troops because that insures #1 gets done. So everyone above everyone else looked after those below them. I am really glad to see there are companies that also believe in that philosophy. Hugs. Scottie

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Shelldigger. I agree, really what is wrong with these people. You know where teachers are not wearing guns and books are not being banned? The private schools these assholes kids go to. Their kids don’t go to public schools. They don’t mix with the unwashed masses. That is why they feel it is OK to ruin public schools and public education. Hugs. Scottie


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