THE GUARDIAN: Israel says it took control of Gazan side of Rafah crossing, a key aid gateway

Israel says it took control of Gazan side of Rafah crossing, a key aid gateway
Gaza border authority confirms presence of Israel’s tanks at crossing, sole gateway between Egypt and Gaza for humanitarian aid

Read in The Guardian:

Shared from Apple News

Best Wishes and Hugs,Scottie

3 thoughts on “THE GUARDIAN: Israel says it took control of Gazan side of Rafah crossing, a key aid gateway

  1. Netanyahu is facing pressure from the far-far right extremists (cousins-in Intolerance to the regime in Tehran- oh the irony) and is also taking hits from the relatives of the hostages and those in Israel who are opposed to the excesses of the campaign. If overseas support is given directly to those two groups he might yet topple and with him the whole wretched government.
    Support for the Opposition groups in Israel is essential at these times.

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    1. Hi Roger. I keep reading that if the fake war stops, if the military action stops then Netanyahu will lose his position and face legal consequences that will end with him in prion. He is the Israeli version of tRump. He can not afford to stop this or negotiate in good faith. Is this true? Hugs. Scottie

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It would seem so Scottie.
        Israel has a very complex political scene with myriad parties and groups. In recent years Netanyahu’s position has been shaky and he has only survived with the support of the extremists.
        This has been going on longer than tRump, I would venture to suggest that fellow has followed the Netanyahu Playbook.
        In the long game, the pro-Palestinian groups in the West had missed a big chance by not giving at least vocal support to the Opposition in Israel:
        Just to name three.

        Then there were such as the late Vivian Silver, hated by her own extremists neighbours and killed by Hamas

        I am somewhat aggrieved that over the years the UK pro-Palestinians never went down this route. But that’s another story.

        Returning to Netanyahu, when this episode of the War either winds down, or war weariness sets in, there will be a reckoning, both on the extremists and on the complacency of the security apparatus.

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