The Big Idea: Rob Costello

I want to thank Ali for the link.   Below is what she wrote about the site.   For those wondering what the 2S in the LGBTQIA2S is two spirit people, which is how the first people called same sex attracted people which I think is grand.  Hugs  Scottie

Meanwhile, take a look at this. It’s short, but you’ll appreciate it; representation is important. . (Not that Rob Costello.)

3 thoughts on “The Big Idea: Rob Costello

    1. Hi Michael. I learned a long time ago that the X-men series started by Stan Lee was really about same sex attracted people. He said he was trying to show the unreasonable bigotry and the diversity of LGBTQ+ people. But as a young kid who knew I had feelings I had to hide because I was different I really loved the X-men comics. I felt in some way I was also a mutant.

      I downloaded the sample. If I enjoy it, I will ask Ron about adding it to our shared Apple Book collection. We have limited funds and while I read a lot of books, he rarely does. So even though this one is only $10.00 I will talk it over with him first. Hugs. Scottie

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