CNN: She was having a medical emergency, but the ER turned her away. Here’s why

She was having a medical emergency, but the ER turned her away. Here’s why
Kaitlyn Joshua shares how she was turned away from care in Louisiana in 2022 while she was having a miscarriage because of the Dobbs decision to turn over Roe v. Wade.

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Best Wishes and Hugs,Scottie

5 thoughts on “CNN: She was having a medical emergency, but the ER turned her away. Here’s why

    1. I think in states like LA, though, the probability of being locally prosecuted, with loss of state license and practice privileges, is far more real for simply being present during the loss of a pregnancy, than is a federal prosecution for not providing care. It’s sad to say, but TX and FL are other examples of where medical providers are afraid to care for pregnant people.

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    2. Hi Suze. Yes in the old days in most states. But now in red states with these draconian antiabortion laws, the doctors are afraid to treat women who present with a clearly unable to be born fetus condition that is killing them. I have posted on it. These women are told to go home and come back when they are near death. Many stay in the parking lot and are then carried in by loved ones. It is true, I have posted on it. Even ectopic pregnancies are subject to this. This issue is the way the laws are written, making the doctor’s judgment not the finial say, and allowing anyone to sue and the hospital has to pay both sides costs even if they win. As seen in Texas the courts denied a woman an emergency abortion for and ectopic pregnancy abortion saying the doctor couldn’t be sure the fetus wouldn’t develop into a viable baby. These lawmakers just don’t care about the woman. Only the fetus. Hugs. Scottie

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