9 hours of fear and frustration.

Since I got my steroid back shots I have been able to sleep great with much less pain.  So I did not get up this morning until 5 am.  Ok late but very happy to be sleeping well for a change.  But soon my happy turned to ashes.  After Ron and I worked together, as he decided to get up with me as he wanted to work on the outside stuff before it got hot, we fed cats, got coffee, and all else.   Then I sat down at the command consoles and went to work. 

I started videos and started the dump and reinstall of the Blogging computer.  Everything went great.  All programs installed … until I installed Vivaldi.  Clicked on the bookmarks bar at the top for my Scotties Playtime blog.  Yes the page came up.  Then I went to the log in.  Signed in with out much thought as it always works that way so why sweat it.  The log happened and on the top of the Playtime window was the notification bell I love.  I clicked it.  My stuff was not there.  I went over to the admin button and again nothing of mine was there.   No matter what I tried to do I was getting the wrong stuff.  I figured the install went bad.  But first I spent a few hours trying to make the WordPress /  Jetpack coming up work. 

I dumped it again.  Loaded it up partly and went to Vivaldi again and the same happened.  Now I could use it on the other computer.  I was supper upset.  I figured maybe the order I was loading it up in was the issue so I dumped it again.  This time I reinstalled the Windows system very carefully and was careful of every setting.  I slowly added programs and checked them, I cleaned the computer between every step.  I was very happy with the install.  About 8 hours had gone by and I had not eaten or showered nor did anything else.  From 5:30 am to about 3:45 pm I worked only on this and worried about it.  When Ron asked me why I was so upset I told him my blog is really my life, it is my window to the world and something was causing me to lose my window, my world, my friends.  

So as the last thing I installed Vivaldi.  Remember it was working great on the Video computer and I was blogging from there.  Imagine my horror when I brought up my Playtime and everything looked great.  Then I clicked the sign on button, it came up with the name Scotties…….. and I clicked next, the computer put the password in.  I hit the button and my blog came up with the write button and the bell button that I use to do posts and reply to comments along with read other blogs.  I hit the bell and my heart sank.  It was the same.  I had already tried it with Chrome and Firefox so I knew my blog was OK, … my heart felt like it was heavier than the very large cat we have named Odie who has lost weight but at 26.1 pounds is still a struggle for me to lift.  What could possibly be wrong.  

I debated pulling the drives out and doing a 35 sweep wipe on them but as I did the installs I wiped them quickly so that did not seem likely to be the problem.  In despair I cleaned everything, cleaned all the saved data / cookies in Vivaldi.  Then opened the Playtime saved bookmark.  My page came up.  I clicked the sign in button and my blog name came up.  I sat there depressed, I was tired, very very sore, I had not eaten but Ron made me take a donut because of my sugar, and I started at the sign in.   The computer people reading this can already tell the problem and what I was doing wrong.  Something that had not happened on the first time I installed Vivaldi.

When I installed it originally I had it take the bookmarks, passwords, and all important stuff from my Chrome long time forever browser.  What I missed … I have had Chrome for all my blogs since 2007 and all my blogs start with the same thing … Scotties.  I am used to Chrome putting up the right sign in for Playtime as it did for every other blog.   What has caused me a day of anxiety, anger, fear, doubt, and worry was Vivaldi was offer all of those former ones that Chrome saved but never used with the Playtime sign in.  

As I sat there glaring at it I began to see it, the problem.  Yes the username did start Scotties … but the end was toybox.  A blog I lost years ago in deep frustration.  It kept trying to sign me into a blog I no longer had.  Being WordPress it remembered and offered it to me as a sign in even though it was long gone.  I retyped it to Scottiesplaytime, put in the correct password.  I took a deep breath and hit the sign in button.  

My blog returned in all its glory.  It was there and I was back.  Oh by my dogs that love gravy I think I was experiencing something like sexual satisfaction.  So I am happy, the truth is I was stupid and taking something for granted that I should have paid attention too.  I could have been back up at 8 am with everything ready.  Now I have to go take a shower, and have something to eat.  But I will be back later if my back and butt will stand it.  Loves, Hugs, Best Wishes, and so many happy breaths.  Scottie

4 thoughts on “9 hours of fear and frustration.

    1. Hi. Thank you Ali. But it is frustrating sometimes. This time was my own fault. I didn’t look at the name I was using to sign in as, Chrome and Firefox used the correct one, but Vivaldi gave me the toybox one and I did not catch it. Now that I have signed in once it is OK. I love the ability to share stuff with everyone and to speak to friends and others through the blog. Hugs. Scottie

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        1. Hi Ali. Not quite. I did the reinstall so many times that I forgot this last time if I finished the less important installs. And I did not because I was in such a hurry to get to the comments. Stuff like a few hours ago I went to print something and realized I had not installed the printer. I still have to install adobe and other things. But the things most important to me, the security programs are fully operative. But the real thing from the post was I was so use to how other browsers work, they automatically put the correct name and password. So when this wrong one came up I did not notice it. That lead to 10 hours of fear and frustration. Plus to add to it I couldn’t eat and my pain was going off the charts. But yes I got it done and can reply to your comments. Some thing I love. Hugs. Scottie

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