Hey Pot, Meet Kettle!

This is a grand video.  Wow, she tells it like it is, pulling no punches.  She talks about how Boebert went to NY where she was not invited to give support for a convicted criminal, yet wont even help her son.  Yes the boy that impregnated a teenage girl while he was almost an adult.  She and her husband are worth millions yet the boy stands there in court alone telling the judge he can not pay for an attorney.  So she rushes to provide cover and support to tRump who ignored her and did not invite her yet also ignores her own son.  This is the family values of the trump cult party that use to be the republican party. A great video to watch.   Saddest hugs.  Scottie

2 thoughts on “Hey Pot, Meet Kettle!

    1. Hi Susan. Yes I do enjoy videos and I love Naughty Nana Duz. As for BoeBert yes she is to be despised, but she is still a congress woman helping to pass laws that make our lives miserable, so we have to pay attention. Not paying attention o these people is what let them get into power and change our society as they have. She is another one that ran on family values when it turns out she has none of her own. She doesn’t walk everything she talked and what is worse she wants to force others to live by rules she clearly doesn’t live by herself. Hugs. Scottie


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