FRC: Here’s Five Ways To Attack LGBTQs During Pride

These people just can’t quit can they.  Nothing is enough for them until they remove the LGBTQ+ from society.  They demand a white straight cis Christian country.  Hugs. Plus they revel in their stupidity and lack of knowledge on the subject.   Scottie


Posted to the Family Research Council’s website:

1. A large percentage of these men and women have been sexually abused and are operating out of a place of deep wounding. They’re living “in spiritual darkness.” Some may be at war with God, and others are genuinely struggling with their identity, but by and large, they’ve all been hurt.

2. These are ones who didn’t start out life saying, “I’m going to hate God.” They had horrible things happen to them, and they need to understand that “every single life out there can be redeemed.” But your voice and your life can show other people how they can be redeemed and restored through Jesus. Because Jesus does it.

3. Speaking the truth in love is important, but our lives also need to reflect the evidence of it. When we try to tell somebody, ‘Hey, that’s not God’s plan for your life.’ And if you’re not living something that’s obviously better, they’re going to be like, ‘Yeah, whatever.’

4. Too many Christians seem to have a “let’s-get-in-the-bunker-now approach.” It’s time for the grown-ups to enter the room and remind everyone: Christians aren’t supposed to be in the bunker. “We need to get out. And how do we get out? Well, we take the gospel literally to the streets.”

5. This is a movement that, by and large, is at “war with God.” In other words, this is a tough crowd. And we need to endure being spit on and sworn at and yelled at. Don’t be afraid to be mocked. Do you not think your Lord was mocked?

There’s more if you can bear the brainwashing.


I am not at war with an imaginary being, just his followers.

“but by and large, they’ve all been hurt (LGBT people.)”

Well he got that part right, and the ones doing the hurting are organized religion of which he is a part.


WOW…just wow. So many bags of bullshit to unpack here. These chucklefucks pretend to understand & sympathize with gay people, while at the same time degrading us.

They think we are all products of sexual abuse, while simultaneously not seeing the abuse & scorn they gleefully subjected us to or want to subject us to.

”They may spit at you…” And for good reason, as this sanctimonious group has been spitting at us, abusing us, and demonizing us for decades…but sure, Tonnette, take no responsibility for creating that climate. HELL, it’s how you earn your bread & butter!

“I’m going to hate God.” Oh no, honey. We loathe you and the god you chose to worship. The god that calls you to hate & demonize others, so that you may feel elevated. (Although to be honest, Perkin’s real god is money.) We already know that if you didn’t have a target to spew your hate & contempt at, y’all would be at each other’s throats in a heartbeat.



3 thoughts on “FRC: Here’s Five Ways To Attack LGBTQs During Pride

  1. Hi Scottie; One of the things about “modern day” christianity – and yes, I put that in lower case for a reason – is the complete abhorrence for the very things Christ taught. One of his major points reported in the Gospels was to correct the Pharisee’s, who were the ‘oh, aren’t we perfectly religious’ of His time, with their standing in the way of people seeking God ‘Standing at the Gate and Letting None Pass’ – if I may poorly quote.

    We as Christians are called to love our neighbor, not judge them and dictate what can and cannot make it in to heaven. We are called to give of ourselves, not demand of others. We are called to be a light, like a candle in the window of home welcoming the stranger and the hurt and sick and lonely so that others may ask why we are so filled with love and hope. How is it that they have managed to completely miss the point of the Old and New Testament writings that underscore repeatedly that none are without sin, all sin is bad, and none can come to God but by Christ?

    I don’t mean to be on the pulpit here, but I’m repeatedly blown away by these self-righteous folks utter lack of awareness of how horribly they are “following”. If I may quote Jeannie C. Riley, ‘”they” are all a bunch of Harper Valley Hypocrites”.

    Hugs my Brother


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    1. Hi Randy. I had a grand reply to you here and totally lost it. Damn WordPress reset. I hate them at this point. Basically I said that you sound like Rev. Ed. Trevors who believes as you do. I watch his videos and I am not even religious. He claims the bible was to prepare the individual follower of Christ for heaven, not to be used as a list of rules to force on others. Hugs. Scottie


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