Roger Stone And Driving “Atheistic Godless Communists Crazy”

2 thoughts on “Roger Stone And Driving “Atheistic Godless Communists Crazy”

  1. oh brother. what won’t his minions do for attention. they are aiming at his base which i GUESS is the dumbest, most gullible people on earth. ANYONE who would entertain the idea that JESUS would endorse a political candidate is woefully ignorant. how do they manage to live?

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    1. Hi Susan. They are playing to the base. That low 15 or 20 percent of the republican party. They want to hook them. As he says, it wouldn’t bother the rest of us. But the next time the base that believes this hears some reason that tRump shouldn’t win or is a horrible person they will scream … he was chosen by god. Hugs. Scottie

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