ARIZONA MIRROR: Why Republicans want to purge half a million people from Arizona’s voter rolls

Why Republicans want to purge half a million people from Arizona’s voter rolls
The leaders of the Arizona Republican Party and a conservative dark money group have filed a lawsuit alleging the state has not kept an accurate count of registered voters and asking a court to force elections officials to purge 500,000 Arizonans from the voter rolls.

Read in Arizona Mirror:

Shared from Apple News

Best Wishes and Hugs,Scottie

4 thoughts on “ARIZONA MIRROR: Why Republicans want to purge half a million people from Arizona’s voter rolls

    1. Hi Susan. The republicans know the things they push are very unpopular. Think on it, they want to return the country to 1950s, white men in authority, women subjected, blacks with barely any rights, and the LGBTQ+ scared. They want to rule, not serve the public. They want to be dictators, they dream of personal power over others. So to win, they got to keep the people from voting. That means anyone who doesn’t agree with republicans they don’t want to vote, especially the dark skinned ones. Hugs. Scottie

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    Take one, and pass it around. Check it every now and then, because for every state that makes the news when they purge voter rolls, there are states doing the same thing and not making the news. If it’s a state run by Republicans, or even only a Republican AG and/or SoS, check those registrations! And encourage everyone you know to do the same.

    And thank you!

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    1. Hi Ali. Yes great advice. I check ours every couple weeks. I soon have to find time to dig through the sample ballot to see who is who and what sneaky things the republicans are trying to do this time. Hugs. Scottie

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