CNN: Storm-battered Florida braces for 4th day of floods after rain transformed roads into canals

Storm-battered Florida braces for 4th day of floods after rain transformed roads into canals
Heavy rainfall that’s caused unrelenting flooding in South Florida since Tuesday will continue for a fourth consecutive day after turning roads into canals and forcing some residents to stand on the roofs of their cars or trudge through waist-deep waters.

Read in CNN:

Shared from Apple News

Best Wishes and Hugs,Scottie

6 thoughts on “CNN: Storm-battered Florida braces for 4th day of floods after rain transformed roads into canals

    1. Hi Susan. Every time it is impossible to deny the right moves just a bit towards accepting it. But they still want to give the major causing polluters the rights to destroy us while making record profits. The republicans and Liberians want to have it the same and still say OK it is happening. They don’t want to do anything to stop it because they all believe it is someone elses problem. Hugs. Scottie

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  1. Holy cow, I say, sitting inside my house at 80+ AC-cooled degrees because it’s over 100 degrees for a heat index outside, watching my friends’s states flood or be blown about by storms (my own state, too, though our summer storm season has about passed till Fall wants to come on.) Everything is more extreme every year.

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    1. Hi Ali. Florida used to have two rainy seasons, one in May and one in September. Then the occasional hurricane or tropical storm. Now we suffer from wild swings in climate. As is the entire country. Wow did you see that ice calving video that Ten Bears posted. Incredible power. Hugs. Scottie

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      1. Yes, I watched that video, too. And I just now watched one on NASA, which Ten Bears turned us on to on his blog a while back, of a black hole destroying a star, which has nothing to do with this discussion, but I’m still under the amazing influence as I type this. He finds cool stuff!
        See, we used to have 2 storm seasons, too. Now, it’s pretty much all year round, depending on the temperature. I’m glad you guys and the kitties are safe, and posting!

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