Buttigieg Defends Pride Flags: They Symbolize Love, Flag Flown By The Alitos Is “Insurrectionist Symbology”

What people don’t understand about these fundamentalist Christians is they don’t accept the rights and feelings of anyone else.  They are the maximum in selfishness.  They cry rivers about their feelings not being respected, such as Jordon Peterson claiming it hurt him to use a person’s preferred pronoun, but he couldn’t give a shit about the pain of the misgendered person he just insulted.   The Alito’s are the same, their feelings are very important and must be respected.  But not yours, not anyone who disagrees with them, those people are to be disregarded entirely.  Hugs.  Scottie  


“I’m often reminded that the most important thing in my life – which is my marriage, and my family and the two beautiful children that my husband Chasten and I are raising – that that marriage only exists by the grace of the single vote on the United States Supreme Court. That expanded our rights and freedoms back in 2015 and made it possible for somebody like me to get married.

“And, you know, Supreme Court justices have an unbelievable amount of power and – by the nature in the structure, the Supreme Court – there’s no supervision over that power. They are entrusted with it literally for as long as they live. And part of that trust is we expect them to enter into those enormously consequential decisions that that shape our everyday lives with a sense of fairness.

“I also hope that most Americans can understand the difference between a flag that symbolizes you know, love and acceptance and signals to people who have sometimes feared for their safety that they’re going to be okay – and insurrectionists symbology, I’ll just leave it at that.” – Transportation Sec. Pete Buttigieg, on Martha-Ann Alito’s condemnation of “shameful” Pride flags.

The cult is raging.

Our Pride flag hangs outside of our house 365 days per year and one day a non-binary teenager who was having a crisis knocked on our door and asked for safety. We hung out with them and chatted and kept them warm and comfortable until they felt ok to go back home.

THAT is what the Pride flag means. Love, safety, and a shoulder to cry on if you need it.

Christians can go fuck themselves.

Wish I could do that but I’m staying in the rural, fire engine red part of the state. Unfortunately I need to keep my head down. 🙁

I wish I could do that. However in this neck of the Oklahoma outback, I would be taking my life and putting into their hands — and, at 88, I don’t feel that reckless. My pride flag sits in the drawer beside the door, where it has been for many years – just waiting for the time when it is safe. I know there will be criticism on this site for this, but down here, it is what it is. I am proud — just not stupid.

Sometimes one must be wary and act prudently. No need to jump over a fence into a lion’s den, or swim in a pool of piranhas.

Those of us who’ve lived through decades of anti-gay violence understand completely.

When you’re in danger of attack from religious assholes for putting up a pride flag – keep safe, and see what other, less public, things you can do to help local LGBT people.

Anyone who criticizes you for this is young and living in a bubble in some big city, and can’t believe the awful things that have been done to many of us over the decades. I hope they’re never beaten up or burned out of their home for being gay. I wish that would end for everyone, but it hasn’t stopped yet in many parts of the country. 

2 thoughts on “Buttigieg Defends Pride Flags: They Symbolize Love, Flag Flown By The Alitos Is “Insurrectionist Symbology”

  1. I’m glad there were people supporting the ones worried about their safety. There are many ways to be an ally. It’s so bad that visible signals can cause death, but I live close to OK, and it’s just as bad up here. Maybe their reputations as decent people will still guide others who need allies to them.

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    1. Hello Ali. The maga constantly cry freedom, they stand for freedom, also they claimed once to be the party of law and order. Instead they are now the troll party, the party of the quick sound bite. People like the Alito’s demand the right to fly what ever they want and we must accept it. But a flag they disagree with, how dare anyone do that. Hugs. Scottie

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