Human Rights Groups Seek to Overturn Ban on Puberty Blockers | RE: The Cass Review

I have been following Ethel for years.  In this very short for her video she points out more mistakes of the Cass Review, the preformed biases, and the sneaky way the outgoing government managed to implement a ban on puberty blockers without following the laws.   I know a lot of TERFS and other anti-trans people love to claim the UK is seeing the truth and banning trans care, but that is not the truth.  Just like in the US, there are groups including political groups using everything they can to make it harder, but now the rest of the country is fighting back hard and getting treatment reinstituted.  Just like the book banners in the US are now being pushed back and books being put back on shelves, trans care for minors is happening in the UK.  Hugs.  Scottie

It can be difficult as a trans person to hold onto the hope that things will get better, yet we are not alone in our struggle for survival. Today’s video explores efforts by the Good Law Project to restore gender affirming care for trans youth.

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