THE GUARDIAN: Opinion | Far-right Republicans’ latest target? No-fault divorce

Opinion | Far-right Republicans’ latest target? No-fault divorce
If a certain subsection of Republicans get their way, obtaining a divorce in the US might soon become a lot more difficult

Read in The Guardian:

Shared from Apple News

Best Wishes and Hugs,Scottie

4 thoughts on “THE GUARDIAN: Opinion | Far-right Republicans’ latest target? No-fault divorce

  1. Yeah, that’ll last until one of them ends up with witnesses and evidence at their divorce trial, and the whole world will know what they did to their families. That’s the whole reason Republican states went to no fault (I was an adult when KS did it;) the legislators were tired of being embarrassed publicly by their own behavior, when their spouses divorced them, with receipts for the cause.

    In checking that, because I might have been in high school, but it was senior year when we moved to KS. Anyway, I see it was Gov. Reagan, or Raygun as I say more often now, who signed CA’s no fault law in 1969.

    Anyway, you get my point. Those states who change back will repeal-again-very soon. Hard to use family values as a campaign subject when your wife and kids accuse you of abuse and adultery, and whatever else.

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    1. Hi Ali. Yes so true. As the article said, before no-fault divorce people had to accuse the spouse of stuff. But here is the key, this time, it is tailored to favor men. It is designed so men can trap and control women in any kind of abusive relationship they want, legally. The way they are talking about this even a woman being beaten wouldn’t have grounds for leaving the marriage. These people are scary Ali. They want a fundamentalist Christian male dominated society that requires marriage be by biblical principles. But what are those. Well the woman is property and does what she is told, having no rights. The man has no limits on what he can do and with whom. Have you seen Betty Bowers biblical marriage video? If not, please let me no so I can send it to you. But yes this is all part of forcing the US to live by a fundamentalist Christian biblical doctrines. Hugs. Scottie

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      1. Oh, it was like that before, and if you remember, that was when married women still couldn’t even get a loan or a credit card or a bank account without hubby’s name on it. So, hiring a detective to gather evidence, and a lawyer to protect herself often came after years of squirrelling away dollars to be able to do so.
        They won’t get battery made to be legal, but also recall that rape between married people wasn’t acknowledged as rape (which is battery, not sex) until like the mid-90s. They complained bitterly about that, and held it up as long as possible. We only got VAWA after Nicole Brown Simpson was killed, fought to get it reinstated, and now again it hasn’t been reinstated at all, and is withering on the vine. My US Rep says it’s because people want to protect men living in a women’s shelter. Well, that’s not true, and 1st, I know he means transwomen, but facts are that women batter men, too, and it’s just as bad whoever does it.
        Oh, I can feel myself getting ready to really go off on this subject. I should stop, because I know we here all already know and remember all this stuff. But this divorce and marriage stuff isn’t new, and those pushing it will regret it if they get it, as they’re not going to be able to both push women out of the workplace and make them support children they’re forced to bear. I think they’re using marriage as the new abortion, since they actually caught that ring. This will be a ring on which to raise funds and campaign, but never achieve.

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        1. Hi Ali, wonderful Ali. I again offer you to write these …forceful thoughts of yours … and I will post them here and credit you like I do Randy. He has been far too busy to write, but if you want … What you were saying is something so many need to know and understand. Say it, say it in your voice. I don’t edit, and you get the credit. I have done this with others and it works great.

          Ali, I know what you are talking about but I never felt it … other than the adoptive parents staying together and the man being the in charge thug. Forgive me for adding this here in as little detail as possible, I was often forced to be present when he had sex with her against her will because it was his right. So please think on letting that lioness in you roar, let the matron elephant call the shots and protect the herd, let women hear your voice and show the truth us guys never can. Again please think on it. Hugs. Scottie

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