Israeli Politician CITES HITLER As Inspiration: Yes, This Is Horrifically Real

What do you even say at this point.

One thought on “Israeli Politician CITES HITLER As Inspiration: Yes, This Is Horrifically Real

  1. Hi Scottie…Hear me out. The first part is going to sound ‘not what it is’. This is me in geo-political / rhetorical analyse mode.

    This is a classic example of the inflammatory complex levels of rhetoric and the contradictions involved.
    Feiglin’s commentary translated into English contains a phrase which came across to me as everyday Israeli speech ‘Hitler, may his name be erased’. It would seem to be an invocation designed to immediately hold the attention of the listener (albeit it paradoxical using a name then saying it should be erased- so why use it?) He then moves on to compare the mindset of Hamas and by implication the Palestinian population as comparable to the Nazis; these being very evocative words in Israel. (Although Israel itself overall is in a very volatile mood – I’ll come back to that.). It is only to be expected that within Hamas parallel sentiments are being said. We are witnessing an episode in a Long War, one in which both sides can marshal powerful emotions and justify any act.

    As I have said before, this War is not unique and there a current parallels going on across the world. I should not have to mention them.

    What I would have liked to have heard would have been the whole debate translated into English and what others had to say. If this issue has even the most slender of hopes of reaching a conclusion over the next decade or so, because it will take new generations with new views to do so, it is essential to support the moderates wherever they are. This will be long hard work, and should have been addressed long, long ago by those in the West concerned about the situation. It is no use saying ‘Justice for Palestine’ and expecting an entire population to suddenly say ‘Gosh. You are so right’, not one with a folklore and history as long and ragged as the Jews of Israel. It didn’t work with other peoples, why should it work with them? Only from within came you hope to change this situation.

    Actually Feiglin’s comment came as no surprise to me. The extreme wings of any belief system, political, religious or social can take some very some very singular turns. It is not inconceivable that somewhere in Israel there will be one group who will be saying that Hitler and the Nazi were part of God’s Will to ensure that those who survived were more faithful, stronger and tough enough to take back ‘The Holy Land’ and keep it in God’s name. Thus, Hitler was necessary. And they mostly like find selective parts of The Torah to prove their case. These are the disruptive and fanatical elements you are dealing with, on both sides.
    The current, only solution and it will be a temporary and mostly unsatisfactory one will be to arrange a ceasefire, a truce, hope it holds and in the meantime help rebuild Gaza. It will be near impossible, because a similar one has to be arranged with Russia and Ukraine. But they have to tried.
    We can only try and hope.
    Take care

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