LOUISIANA ILLUMINATOR: Louisiana will face lawsuit over Ten Commandments school displays

Louisiana will face lawsuit over Ten Commandments school displays
Four civil liberties groups will sue the state of Louisiana after Republican Gov. Jeff Landry signed a law Wednesday that calls for the Ten Commandments to be displayed in school classrooms. The new rule applies to any school that accepts state money, including colleges and universities.

Read in Louisiana Illuminator: https://apple.news/AabZx5pzmS3OSulcWG-oZVg

Shared from Apple News

Best Wishes and Hugs,Scottie

10 thoughts on “LOUISIANA ILLUMINATOR: Louisiana will face lawsuit over Ten Commandments school displays

    1. Hi Susan. I don’t know much about the guy as he has not been in the news like Texas governor and AG, or DeathSantis, or a few others who constantly attack the LGBTQ+ to form their view of the most perfect Christian nation. Hugs. Scottie

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  1. Time to send a few bucks to ACLU. I’d been saving for the Biden campaign and a few other races, but ACLU needs some support right now.

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    1. Hi Ali. Sadly so many great organizations need funds at the same time the republicans are doing everything they can to make sure the lower incomes don’t have any spare money to donate. We make annual donations to the ACLU, the FFrF or The Freedom From Religion Foundation, the doctors without borders, and the Trevor Project. But as I said everyone’s funds are limited in trying to support these groups. Hugs. Scottie

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      1. Exactly. And sadly. It’s what makes me cringe when people ask where these organizations are when states pass or perform unconstitutional laws and duties. It’s difficult, though, because our side doesn’t have as many actually wealthy people. It takes all we little people sending in dimes and quarters to help retain democracy.

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        1. So true Ali, so very true. They say there is strength in numbers. But it seems sometimes like we are the school of fish banded together to avoid being eaten by the sharks following us. The problem is they pick off the outside ones and work at getting the rest of us, never satisfied with enough. Hugs. Scottie

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    1. Hi Shelldigger. Yes and the fact is as I just mentioned to Randy. They did not choose a symbol of Jesus, the Christ they follow to post in schools. They did not choose the beatitudes, the sermon on the mount, but instead they choose a symbol of the Jewish faith in the OT. Instead of teaching kids kindness and caring, the instead went with a list of strict rules to use against people. Shows what they really believe. Plus the bible states that Jesus reduced the ten to just two commandments. Neither of these they demand be posted.

      Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”

      But again that is teaching kindness and acceptance of others. The republicans can not have that. They want a god like themselves, vengeful, hateful, ready to strike those who displease him / them. Hugs. Scottie


      1. Yep. When that is the kind of person you are, that evil fucker god is the one they prefer.

        There as as many gods as there are believers. And the gods they worship become much like themselves, and reflect their true desires.

        Pretty fucking convenient.

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        1. So true friend, so very true. Shelldigger do you ever wonder if they ever realize the god they worship is themselves in the mirror. Hey are you a Star Trek Fan? The end of the movie Final Frontier, the alien being posing as god asks the Vulcan guy who had been acting as his missionary if his own face suited the god’s presented face better. I have tried hard to find the video but every clip cuts off just at the point that he demands the powerful … god … reveal himself to him. But in the movie the “god” that the guy has followed and pushed for was his own ego all the time. He presents the own guy’s face back to him. And says … Does this face (of god) suit you better? I think a lot of the religious people today are like that. Hugs. Scottie


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