THE ATLANTIC: Trump Dreams of a Swifter Death Penalty

Trump Dreams of a Swifter Death Penalty
In recent speeches, the former president has been praising China’s approach to criminal justice. June 20, 2024 During a recent campaign event in Phoenix, Arizona, Donald Trump mused about capital punishment. “We’ve never had [such] massive amounts of drugs pouring into our country,” he said. “And by the way, you’ll never solve the problem without the death penalty.” Trump also said he had made a deal with Xi Jinping prior to the end of his term that would have seen China executing anyone found

Read in The Atlantic:

Shared from Apple News

Best Wishes and Hugs,Scottie

5 thoughts on “THE ATLANTIC: Trump Dreams of a Swifter Death Penalty

  1. Unfortunately, The Atlantic appears to be behind a paywall. What Trump wants is not justice but “show trials”. A cornerstone of the legal system in Anglophone countries, and I presume most democratic nations is the maxim known as Blackstone’s ratio, which says something like “it is better for ten guilty people to go free than for one innocent person to be wrongly convicted”. The principle reflects a fundamental value in our criminal justice system: the protection of the innocent is paramount, even if it means that some guilty individuals may avoid punishment. Of course, it’s glaringly obvious that such a principle id of no interest to Trump. I daresay he would be happy to state that it’s better for ten innocent people to be found guilty than to allow one guilty person to go free. Of course it doesn’t apply to Trump because with complete immunity, he’ll he guilty of nothing.

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    1. Hi Barry. I truly am sorry about the paywall. When I post from my phone I can’t tell if there is a paywall because I don’t see it. The story just displays. I really need to go back to the computer later to check the story but the reason for posting from my phone / tablet is that I am not near or able to be at my computer.

      As for what you said, yes I heard that also, but did not know it was attributed to someone, I just heard the phrase as “Better 100 guilty men go free than 1 innocent man be convicted” Same message right? Yes what tRump and his people want is not a court of justice, not a nation of laws. Instead they want to be able to punish those they don’t like, and make sure that anything they like is not punished in any way. They want to be the ones in charge and above any rules they will insist others live by. It is clear in everything they say and do, I call it rule by gang thug violence. Look at all the members of state and federal congress 80% republicans 20% democrats who are caught breaking the very laws they implemented and pushed for. They seriously only mean those laws should apply to others, to the lower people, but never to them who believe themselves the superior people.

      As for tRump there is some mental issue with him that doesn’t allow him to admit or accept being wrong. My spouse worked for tRump and during his time tRump was an arrogant bully who had no emotional control or ability to think. They drum it into the employees that they must never contradict tRump or tell him he is wrong. If tRump says that something is, then it simply is no matter how wrong. If it is not raining but tRump says it is you had to agree with him. He is mentally ill. Barry if he was not born wealthy and found a way to pretend to be wealthy by luck, he would be the crazy guy screaming on street corners and people would want him put in a home. Best wishes. Scottie

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  2. He really should just move to one of the countries that is run the way he likes things. Seriously. I don’t mean that with the spirit of “America-love it or leave it,” but he’s just so unAmerican, all the time.

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    1. Hello Ali. The problem is if he went there, he wouldn’t be the all important cult leader he is here. That is what drives him, the admiration and fanatics of his cult followers. He loves that he can say or do anything and they cheer him, they keep cheering him no matter what. He loves it. In his mind he thinks the entire country should be worshiping him also, and he demands the country be the way he wants the same way a toddler demands that the house be run according to their wants and wishes.

      But yes he is very Un-American. He is a gang thug wannabe mob boss. He fails even at that. Think of his maga people, the lowest denomination of people in the country. Maga are people that accept every wrong thing uttered by tRump without question while refusing to accept reality. Hugs. Scottie

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