Ron DeSantis Signs Bill Restricting Ethics Complaints


The Tallahassee Democrat reports:

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Friday signed into law a measure prohibiting ethics investigations from being launched until they are prompted by a complaint from someone with personal knowledge of the alleged wrongdoing. The measure (SB 7014) was widely opposed by government watchdog organizations who warned it will undermine state ethics laws at both the state and local levels.

“Let’s be clear: This has never been about minimizing frivolous complaints; this is about making complaints almost impossible,” said Amy Keith, executive director of Common Cause Florida, after DeSantis’s action. “Governor DeSantis says he believes that Floridians deserve protection from corruption, but his actions today speak otherwise,” she added. Those who backed the measure said complaints have been “weaponized” against candidates.

Florida Politics reports:


Born in the Senate Ethics Committee, the legislation purportedly seeks to limit time frames for investigating ethics complaints. It also requires public complaints be based entirely on a filer’s personal knowledge of wrongdoing, which sponsors said was to discourage “frivolous” complaints.

But critics say the bill will gut ethics enforcement completely, eliminating the ability to file anonymous complaints or tips that lead to investigations and uncover legitimate wrongdoing.

Jose Arrojo, Executive Director of the Miami-Dade Ethics Commission, voiced concerns that the new law could limit means of even bringing ethics concerns to the attention of officials. “No more anonymous whistleblowers. No more employees referring information to us,” Arrojo said.


So much for operating in the “sunshine”

DeSantis Has been systematically undermining Florida sunshine laws during his entire tenure as governor. Of course he’s going to sign such a law—he, along with his Reputation legislature, is unethical.

Corruption is a major trait of fascism

And secrecy. Out of sight = out of mind for everyone else.

Just more cult-controlled states already implementing project 2025, per orders

In other words, his ethics are no ethics

“If I do it (my party does it), it’s ethical, & don’t you dare question it”
Definitely “small government,” of “we the people” & not at all the controlling “deep state” they always blame on the other side…/s… “How dare you ask for my (a public servant) travel & meeting records…”

“Personal knowledge of the alleged wrongdoing” is a fancy name for giving themselves a license to commit ‘white collar crimes’, such as bribery, embezzlement, money laundering, wage theft, etc.

The sort of thing where the only person who knows of the offense itself is the person(s) committing it, but everyone else can certainly bear witness to the after effects of it.


2 thoughts on “Ron DeSantis Signs Bill Restricting Ethics Complaints

  1. I’m surprised this wasn’t the first thing he did. Seems pretty late in the game, now. Ah, well. I guess done is done, and done is good, or in this case, bad.


    1. Hi Ali. He did not have the pull back then he has now, and after passing laws hiding his travel and other state spending on hi, his wife, and his campaign. He is desperate not to have people find how how very crooked and corrupt he is. Hugs. Scottie

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