“Death To LGBTQs” House Candidate: “Satanic Forces Are Taking Over Schools With Drag Queen Story Hours”

This is another example of Christian love.  Seriously this is what the LGBTQ+ face in the attempt to turn the US into a Christian theocracy.  How is he different from the Taliban?  How does he differ from the Iranian moral vice police?  Is this really the world you want to live under?  Where your friends, maybe your child is being singled out for death because they were born gay and don’t fit the leader’s idea of what is good for god?  My god this is what passes for statesmanship, for leadership, for civil discourse in the republican party.   Think how far we have fallen to even think this rhetoric is acceptable in public.  I don’t like what you are doing so I think it is OK to kill you.  One last thought, why is a pride flag or rainbow sticker on the door or wall of a classroom indoctrination but the Christian religious symbols / ten commandments are not?   WTF.  Hugs.  Scottie


“Our nation is at a crossroads. Our enemies are operating in plain sight. Evil is on the march and they’re not even trying to hide it. Satanic forces are taking over our schools, preying on our children with transgender surgeries and Drag Queen Story Hours.

“South Carolina is being invaded by terrorists and drug cartels. Our enemies in China are waging economic warfare against every American, making it impossible to afford to live here, to buy groceries, gas, or even pay the light bill.

“And traitor Joe Biden’s far-left Department of Defense is working to destroy our military from within.

“D.C. is taking our tax dollars and using it to fund the takeover. Let me say that again: American taxpayers are paying for the destruction of their own nation.

“Look at Iran and Afghanistan. We must hold responsible those elected officials who take our hard-earned dollars to use them to do battle against us.

“It is treason, plain and simple.” – South Carolina pastor Mark Burns, in a final ad before tomorrow’s GOP primary runoff, the winner of which will surely become a US House member.

In 2022, Burns, who has been endorsed by Trump, laid out his plan for executing LGBTQs for “grooming” during an appearance on the show hosted by Holocaust denier Stew Peters.




Were Where is the outrage One Million Moms with this sexualising at Walmart???


“D.C. is taking our tax dollars and using it to fund the takeover. ….”

Sure Jan.

South Carolina receives $4.51 back from the government for every $1 residents pay in federal tax, according to data from the Internal Revenue Service, U.S. Census Bureau, USAspending.gov and Bureau of Labor Statistics




3 thoughts on ““Death To LGBTQs” House Candidate: “Satanic Forces Are Taking Over Schools With Drag Queen Story Hours”

    1. Hi Susan. Very true. But I want to ask why suddenly these Christians are all up in arms, all alarmed at drag queens? Seriously what are drag queens? They are people dressed un costumes. Dressing up. It was never thought to be a huge issue until … Trans rights and trans kids rights became a thing. These people equate drag queens with promoting transgenderism. It is a way to attack trans kids without attacking trans kids. Drag has been in comedy and TV / movies / theater for a very very long time. Now it is a problem? Why? Because the republican party and social media influencers made it that way. Hugs. Scottie

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