VIRAL VIDEO: Moms For Liberty Leader Has Screaming Meltdown Over Group Of Drag Queens In Hawaii Hotel

Talk of self entitled importance.  By my dogs that love gravy you have to watch the videos.  This woman is so over the top that if she was doing this to any other group it would have been thought an SNL skit.  If she had been acting like this to black people, Hindus, or Muslims, no one would have accepted it.  Sh was screaming in peoples faces and demanding their names.   She is a total stranger acting as if she has some type of authority over other paying guests.  If she had done that to me she sure wouldn’t have liked my reaction. Scottie wouldn’t have been so nice as the drag queens.  The drag queens were guests of the hotel filming there and they got treated horribly by this woman.  Yet she claims to be the victim.  She went after them, she got in their faces not once but several times filming them, insulting them, accusing them of wanting to chop her son’s penis off.  The hotel staff did try to stop her but acted like they were afraid of her or to get too forceful with her and she just went around them or ignored them.   Then she continued her lecture and screed to the police when they were escorting her off the hotel grounds.  She continued her triad and even accused one of the police officers of being a trans woman, she called the woman a man.  She was an attention seeker and did not care who she hurt to get her fix of attention.   And her X posts are full of lies and myths about trans people, including something she claimed at the hotel.  She said that after sexual reassignment and I think she meant transitioning also, that suicides go way up.   In fact studies have proven they decrease greatly after transitioning or having gender affirming medical care.  But again facts mean nothing to these haters.  Hugs.  Scottie



The Sacramento Bee reports:

UC Davis published a statement Tuesday about “offensive comments” made by employee Beth Bourne while she was on a family vacation in Hawaii.

Bourne, the local chapter president for parents rights group Moms for Liberty, posted a video of herself confronting a group of drag queens who were filming a video at the hotel Bourne was staying in, the Alohilani Resort in Waikiki, on Sunday.

“We reject all manifestations of discrimination, including those based on gender and gender expression,” the university’s statement said. The video shows Bourne verbally accosting the people dressed in drag, including drag queen Marina Del Rey.

Newsweek reports:

In the video, Bourne took aim at the drag queens as she accused the hotel of failing to provide a safe environment for her son.

“I’m sorry, but this is—I paid to be a customer at a hotel where I thought you believed that women were real. That because you put on makeup, because you’re wearing high heels, because you have a Barbie outfit on, that you don’t think this is degrading? This is misogyny,” Bourne said addressing the drag queens.

She added, addressing a hotel representative: “If you give me back my money right now, I will leave the hotel, but I’m not going to have my children come down from the 30th floor and see what’s happening here.” According to Bourne’s X bio, she claims without evidence that “1/22 kids is trans” at UC Davis, adding that her views are “mine, not my employer.”

Yahoo News reports:

“This type of behavior is unacceptable,” Hawaii Democratic Governor Josh Green said in a statement Monday. “It is not aloha and we will not tolerate it from anyone.”

As the videos continued to garner views, social media users began tagging UC Davis, Bourne’s employer, demanding she be fired. Bourne works at the university’s Institute for Transportation Studies.

“I’m used to my colleagues thinking I’m a terrible person,” Bourne told The Bee in an April story about Bourne and her estranged trans child. The university said that Bourne’s comments “are protected by the First Amendment,” but that the school condemns them nonetheless.

Videos of the incident together have nearly ten million views at this writing. I encourage you to watch both of activist Tizzy Ent’s clips in full.


You have to hear the clips to get the full shrieking effect.


““I’m used to my colleagues thinking I’m a terrible person,” Bourne told The Bee in an April story about Bourne and her estranged trans child.”

says it all, doesn’t it?

I am easily twice her age, and no one in my entire life has ever called me a terrible person. But she is used to it.

Just belonging to Moms for Liberty says a lot.

the high school mean girls clique for adults. what do you call a female with Peter Pan syndrome?

I think I’ll call it the JK syndrome: If people call you out on awful behaviour towards others, don’t reflect, double-down and make it your entire personality.

Unhinged. Imagine being so entitled that you expect a hotel to coddle your hate and police to arrest people for existing in as hotel lobby.

She conflates drag with being transgender. She is one confused, frightened, sad individual. I pity her children.

I am so tired of bigots.

She was engaged in full-on, me me me, selfish Karening.

The world is full of people who are different from each other. It really says something about this women that she basically threw a tantrum because some drag queens were busy just existing in the same space.

Would her employer fire her if she flung the N-Word at POC or would they fall back to “free speech” excuses?

Anyway, it seems LGBTQ folks are fair game to harass plus you get to keep your job.


13 thoughts on “VIRAL VIDEO: Moms For Liberty Leader Has Screaming Meltdown Over Group Of Drag Queens In Hawaii Hotel

    1. I also tend to do the reading, but not so much the viewing; I can read way faster than most videos. Plus, there’s a daily limit for hate, for me.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hi Ali. You are a good friend, a good ally to the LGBTQ+ and a good person. I love you will not poison into your system that might change you. I wouldn’t ever want that. As for reading over videos …. often there is much more in the video, including the tone, the hysteria, the anger. I often struggle to watch some videos also, but often while faster to read the story they often gloss over the majority of what the person says for shortness of the story. But to each as they feel they need or can do. Best wishes, loves, and hugs. Scottie

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Hello Susan. I understand. But I post it because this is the way these people are forcing the people like me out of the public view and back into the closet. This woman made it seem she was the victim while she was attacking people minding their own business and doing their thing. This is the new hate tactic. Attack your enemy just for existing and then pretend you are the one being attacked and harmed. Yes they are playing to the Internet, they are playing to the social media. But it works. It is shown in posting that this stuff causes people to feel negatively about the LGBTQ+ people. I understand what you are saying … but please remember that Hitler also used this very tactic back in the early days of TV he claimed the most outrageous stuff at the time and he convinced enough people he was correct. We, me, you, others, must see and push back on this.

      Susan, I understand your distaste at what she did and what she is. But unless confronted she and those of her group would end my right to marriage and my rights as an equal citizen. Look at what they have already done in red state schools where gay kids are again being targeted by bullies now unstopped by teachers, there is no gay kid representation in the libraries, in the classrooms as the rainbow is gone, and in states like Florida all the anti-bullying programs are gone, now illegal. This is an attack on LGBTQ+ kids, on kids like me. I grew up in the time that the right / republicans / fundamentalist Christians want to push us back to. Even other gay kids were scared to reach out to each other, for fear of being outed and targeted for abuse, beatings, a miserable school life. I know. I was in Jr High school, then admitted to a “friend” I was gay. I did not realize his family was religious. He came to me a few days later, said we couldn’t be friends, handed me a list of all the bible verses that claimed I was an abomination to his god / church. He never spoke to me again, but he did spread the word I was gay. My school years became even more hell than they were. I never had one friend after that. One kid I knew from kindergarten told me later that he wanted to reach out to me, he found me cute, but he did not dare as he knew how badly I was being treated every day.

      Susan that is the world these people want to recreate. They are desperate for the 1950s again. I lived through that hell. I hope you will join me and other viewers here in fighting back against these people. Our young people need us now more than ever. Hugs. Scottie


    1. Hi Ten Bears. I have not checked recently but last I heard she still was. But many groups are putting pressure on the school to fire her. She is making them look very bad and she is attacking the students of the school, so it is not really revenge firing … is it? People should be responsible for their actions. Hugs. Scottie


  1. You know, I get really tired of the question, “how does a child even know if they’re transgender?” It isn’t a question of being transgender. Seriously, how does any child know they’re a boy, or a girl? (Or both or neither, as far as that goes.) Most kids know who they are. Sheesh!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Ali. Yes, yes, yes. But these same people played the same game with sexual attraction / orientation. How could a young person know they were gay before they were an adult? Hey how did you / they know you / they were straight. When did they know they were a boy. I just went over this with Ragnar, as I said to him, children start to understand gender as soon as they start to realize there is a difference between mommy and daddy. I then went on to build an entire scenario of him knowing he was a boy but being assigned female at birth. I hope you seen it. If not please let me know maybe I can find it again. Hugs. Scottie

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I think I recall that, but I can look back myself. It wasn’t so long ago. No worries! But seriously, they’ve created a whole strawman out of that how-do-children-know question.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Hi Ali. If you will indulge me. I knew I like boys / guys / men at a very young age. Of course I was being sexually used but to my mind not abused at 4 to 6 by the young ex-military Vietnam vet across the street. But he was gentle, he was kind, he never hurt me. What I was getting at home was painful and humiliating even at that age I knew it was to make me feel bad. Yes he was wrong but that is a conversation for another time. But I don’t think my abuse made me gay. I was born this way. I like being gay. Think of all the kids abused by guys who are straight, it did not change their sexuality. Same for those boys who turned out gay who were abused by females.

          So I always ask, when did you know who you were attracted to? When did your if you are straight decide girls are your thing. Straight people didn’t … it just seemed to happen and feel right to them. I bet to you. You never questioned your desire, it was not a choice, it simply was. That is the same for ever gay child, it simply is and feels normal for them … until adults and others attack them for it.

          I know I went off on a tangent rant but this is something that really burns me, those people that claim it is a choice. They simply deny facts, reality, and their own bodies. If it is a choice, go gay for a year. They wont, can’t, and honestly shouldn’t do it. It is not who they are. But they want people like me to do it in reverse. Play straight no matter how it hurts.

          Ok rant over. Again thanks for letting me let off steam. Hugs, love, Scottie

          Liked by 1 person

          1. It’s your blog, Scottie-let off steam whenever you like! I appreciate being able to do the same here!


    1. Thank you Susan. But more than my corner, the kids of today in red states like Florida are in serious jeopardy. The state has stripped all protections and implemented policies that target them for abuse, hate, and harm. Returning to the 1980s where leaving a class I was attacked and brutally beaten to the floor by an older bigger boy and his friends. After they got done kicking me on the floor and left for their next class the teacher who stood there and watched the entire thing, leaned over me and said “That is what you get for being a faggot, I hope they do it again”. Needless to say I failed his class. I was not out, just a small boy not up to their standers of manliness who was being sexual abused and also beaten in my home. For me it was hate from all sides with no where to turn. That is the world these fundamentalist Christians want to return to, what the red states don’t say gay bills are doing. It is so upsetting to me because I don’t know how to stop them. The republicans ever chance they get gerrymander and use government to insure they always stay in power even when they are the minority. It is horrible. I am hoping desperately this coming election will put as many democrats in power as possible to get back to the progressive country we were. Hugs. Scottie


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