Viral Crazy Homeschooling Mom Ruins Her Kids Forever

This is what some people mistake as education for children.  A 7 year old, or 10 year old can know what interests them, video games or fun stuff, but they can not know what history, science, math, geology, and even physical education is important for their future development.   I posted on my old blog about homeschooled religious kids that simply learned only the bible like orthodox Jewish kids in NY madrases who as adults have memorized their holy book but can’t add or subtract well enough to even get menial labor jobs much less a higher education.   It is a travesty.   Hugs.  Scottie 

4 thoughts on “Viral Crazy Homeschooling Mom Ruins Her Kids Forever

    1. Hi Roger it is worse than that. These kids are now adults. They have been trained since childhood to think that they are just as capable as anyone with a full education to evaluate and reason things out. They feel they know as much as trained professionals. They are unable to accept anything more than basic information they grew up with. I am struggling with Ragnar in the comments right now with that. He admits he was pulled out of school at ten and received no real education past that … except what he wanted to learn. Their parents wanted a certain society, so they think that is the normal way society should be and they simply can not process new information. It is so frustrating because this was the entire goal of the 1980s homeschooling religious movement. Kill critical thought, kill the ability to reason. If it was good enough for our parents and grandparents, it is good enough for us and our children. I hate it. Roger I had to fight for what little education I got. I value it. I wish desperately I had opportunities to get more. But I did not and at 61 years old I have what I have. I must use it the best I can. But these people do not want to keep growing, keep learning. The just want it to be as it was … and always shall be. Horrible. And they vote for tRump. Damn this country is screwed. Hugs. Scottie

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      1. I fear the Liberal and Democratic folk did not pay full attention during the start of the culture wars. The Right were laying out their groundwork then.
        One of the worst mistakes which can be made is not to take extremists seriously and only as figures of fun.
        And then this idea that there’s nothing really to concern themselves about with Trump and it will all be well.
        That section of the public have no idea this movement will come for them too.
        It upsets me greatly when I think of folk such as yourself Scottie who have to struggle for so many years and then be faced with this.
        Take care both you and Ron we are thinking of you.
        Roger and Sheila.


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