Let’s talk about a Bible in every class in Oklahoma….

8 thoughts on “Let’s talk about a Bible in every class in Oklahoma….

  1. Interesting video. The bill has such a fundamentally wrong basis. The US was not formed as a christian nation. One does not have to understand the bible to learn about and understand the concept of religious persecution that the settlers wanted to leave behind. you don’t have to “understand” the bible at all. understanding the history of world religions might be worth teaching but this oklahoma thing is really nonsense. is the state also going to dictate how you can talk about the christians who had slaves and concubines and plenty of other anti-biblical practices? thanks for posting. oklahoma you are barking up the wrong tree here

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    1. And, so, is there a bill? Is it in line to be passed? I haven’t researched thoroughly, I’ve only seen this edict by the Sup’t (numerous times, too.) I have questions; adding curricula ought to be an entire BOE thing.

      I have to wonder, and I’m not minimizing anything about this and nothing about it will surprise me, either, but I have to wonder if it’s mostly Walters just shooting off his mouth because Gov. Landry stole the xtian nationalist attention with his 10 commandments. Meanwhile, I’m also wondering just what else Sup’t Walters and the BOE are actually doing that people won’t learn about until school starts in August or whenever OK starts school.

      Again, not minimizing this; it’s abhorrent. But there are things that have to happen for this to really take place. Walters can’t just order a bunch of bibles from wherever, and shove them into classrooms telling the teacher to “teach it.” I think some other thing is happening, and this is smoke. I worry, for instance, about kiddoes on free and reduced price lunches being humiliated in the lunchrooms, and about mentruating students being humiliated if they can’t find or afford hygeine products at school. Stuff like that sound just like something Walters would enjoy doing.

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      1. Excellent questions ali. Looks like it’s not actually a bill. cnn called it a memorandum. seems performative at best. destined to fail but you may be right about walters doing this to gain attention. i tell ya. we sure do have some wack jobs in positions of authority.

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        1. OK isn’t the only state. My own state, nextdoor to the North of yours, has had inmates running the asylum since the Tea Party. smh

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      2. Hi Ali. There is no bill. Walters says his position gives him the authority to order it done and teachers must do it. Just like he has gotten away with ordering other things including the teaching of black people being just as violent as white people when teaching of the Tulsa massacre and other issues. He has gotten away with making edicts and they get followed such as mandating which books can be used or even in the school libraries. All on his say so. Here is the issue, legal scholars say the curriculum by law is up to the districts only. He is used to being able to threaten and abuse his power to get what he wants, and what he wants is a white superiority Christianity taught in public schools.

        As for the other things you mention, I agree with you, I worry about the hungry kids also, I once was one. I ate one meal a day a lot of times and that was at school. Take that way … well little Scottie got even smaller. About the menstruating people, I agree, I just am glad that was one problem I did not have. But they should be available along with condoms for older kids. They are going to have sex, let’s make sure there are no unwanted pregnancies to deal with. Hugs. Scottie

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    2. Hi Susan. Well said. Plus the state is pushing one religion on kids who may have a different family faith. What about the Muslim kids, the Jewish kids to name a couple. This is just an attempt by a fundamentalist Christian to push his religion on kids before they are old enough to understand or evaluate it. Hugs. Scottie

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