Let’s talk about replacing Biden realities, speed, and 3 voters….

3 thoughts on “Let’s talk about replacing Biden realities, speed, and 3 voters….

    1. Hi Jill. I agree. I find the idea of replacing Biden at this point in time just for one bad performance is stupid. There simply is not time for a new person to get the name recognition, their points out, and raise the money needed. Biden turned around the next day and gave a really great speech where he talked about his age and bad performance.

      Jill I am reminded of the White House Correspondence diner that Obama was a smash hit at. What no one knew was he had just come from the situation room watching in real time the attack on Osama bin Laden’s compound. He was under horrible pressure. Biden is also dealing with hot spots and issues all over from Ukraine to Israeli to name just two. The Sunday shows are all hand wringing about Biden yet no mention of the Gish Gallop lies, myths, conspiracies, and misinformation spewed by tRump for 90 minutes. On each Sunday show I have watched so far have had one Democrat on yet all have had 3 or more republicans. Hugs. Scottie

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      1. Ideally, it would take two years to prepare a candidate, get his name on the tips of peoples’ tongues, and fund a campaign. One year would be tough, but it could be done. But two months??? No way! Less than two months ’til the Democratic National Convention. At this point, President Biden is the only person with a chance of beating Trump.

        You’re right … people don’t consider the stress the president is under, how the weight of the world lies on his shoulders these days. And the other thing that needs to be made a point of time and time and time again is that Trump is a convicted felon. Biden has never even been arrested for speeding as far as I know!


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