Trump Doubles Down On “Death To LGBTQs” Pastor


“Pastor Mark Burns is running for Congress in South Carolina’s 3rd Congressional District, and has been with me from the very beginning of our Movement to Make America Great Again. In Congress, Mark will help me Secure the Border, Stop Illegal Immigration, Uphold the Rule of Law, Grow the Economy, and Protect and Defend our always under siege Second Amendment. Pastor Mark Burns is an America First Fighter, and has my Complete and Total Endorsement – He is a Good Man, a Hard Worker, and will not let you down!” – Trump, posting to Truth Social.

Burns, an avowed Christian nationalist who regularly headlines QAnon events, first appeared here in 2016 when he jumped up and literally fled a CNN interview after being confronted for lying about his military service and education.

Burns later claimed that his website had been hacked to make the false claims and that he was being attacked for being a black Trump supporter. Trump first posted an endorsement of Burns last month.

In 2022, Burns laid out his plan for executing LGBTQs for “grooming” during an appearance on the show hosted by Holocaust denier Stew Peters.

Burns is seeking an open House seat currently held by GOP Rep. Jeff Duncan, who is not seeking reelection. In 2022 Burns finished second in the GOP primary in a failed attempt to unseat incumbent GOP Rep. William Timmons. The South Carolina primary is June 11th.



he was being attacked for being a black Trump supporter

No, Marky-diddums. You’re not being attacked for being a black Trump supporter. You’re being attacked for being absolutely batshit fucking insane. One of the symptoms is being a black Trump supporter.

You can see the difference, yes?

Notice that Black Conservatives are bat guano crazy!!
As a Black woman, I find them as scary as White Nationalists. I hope South Carolinians reject this joker.

Sorta like gay right-wingers, I think they are extra shitty because they have something to prove. They prove it alright, but not what they think they’re proving.

Log Cabinettes: Trump is the most pro LGB president ever!!
>> Flaming idiots!! Quislings!! 😡

It’s really as simple as this for me.

In Congress, Mark will help me Secure the Border, Stop Illegal Immigration


NBC, May 15th: Mexico is stopping nearly three times as many migrants now, helping keep U.S. border crossings down. Biden administration officials say the increased help from Mexico in slowing migration is proof their relationship with Mexico is more productive than Trump’s approach.

FunFact: Mexico never paid for Trump’s failed wall. PRESIDENT BIDEN got Mexico to spend 1.5 billion on improved border security.

The hypocrisy of all of them is dumbfounding. tRump as the law and order candidate. How can he keep a straight face? And this lying jackass and Robinson give the Black Evangelicals a bad name.

“The laws that are contrary to the word of God, we need to push against it.”

His bible has a lot of words against divorce, yet he’s still a fan of Trump. As the old saying goes, if they didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards at all…

And the imaginary Sky Daddy does NOT write the laws in this country. In fact the Constitution makes this VERY clear.

Adultery is another thing that the Bible says God objected to — so much so that under Old Testament law (which is the only one which people like Burns seem to care about even though they don’t follow it themselves), the Jewish community executed anyone who was found guilty of committing adultery. Trump has publicly cheated on at least two of his three wives, but Burns evidently has no problem with that (with the result that one is inclined to suspect Burns himself was unfaithful to at least one of his wives — he’s been married twice himself — and especially since there are several other examples of ethical lapses on his part).

It should be of absolutely no surprise to anyone that Burns is one of the “self-anointed/self-appointed” in the sense that he’s never formally studied theology and obviously never made an effort to discuss his beliefs with any other believers in order to check their validity under historic Protestant doctrine. The “churches” of self-anointed/self-appointed hucksters like Burns are nearly always (very conveniently) non-denominational so that the so-called pastor is not accountable to anyone — not even God, since the self-anointed typically recreate God in tbeir own image to suit themselves. No wonder Trump likes Burns. Burns is just like Trump…a charlatan, a control freak, an egomaniac, and a liar.

That boy ain’t right in the head
— Southern Proverb


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