Board For NC Universities Repeals Diversity Policies

Racism like bigotry is surging in the south right now.  All in backlash to a black man being elected president.  The racist went crazy.  All backed by big money wealthy racists.  The university president said that public universities should stay neutral on social controversies that is why they are doing it.  Wrong.  Racism is not or at least shouldn’t be a controversy, a difference of view points.   It is wrong.   I say again for those needing clarification.  Racism is wrong.  Period.  It needs to die off like slavery and the old Jim Crow laws, that sadly are making a comeback.  Diversity, equality, and inclusion programs are very much needed, as are LGBTQ+ centers at schools along with gay straight student groups.  These all help bring in more of the people who historically have been disadvantaged.   Understand what they do.  It is not quotas.  It is making available places, education, jobs that were traditionally once denied to those groups.  The fact that sometimes it means white straight cis people don’t get everything they want to or get that position that they think they are owed then too bad, you have lots more opportunities.  It is crazy entitlement.  The idea that every straight cis white person automatically is better and deserves opportunities before someone not white straight cis is just horrible.  Yet that is what is sweeping red states.  Republicans pushing the idea that somehow opening a door for those that had then closed, somehow hurts the white straight cis people.  The republicans like fundamentalist Christians love to play the victim, they love to be aggrieved.  The republicans look at everything as a limited pie where something for one person means less for them.  That is not the way it is, equality and inclusion benefits everyone.  Hugs.   Scottie


The Associated Press reports:

North Carolina’s public university system board voted Thursday to repeal a nearly five-year-old diversity, equity and inclusion policy, meaning its 17 schools will likely join other major universities in cutting diversity programs and jobs.

The 24-member University of North Carolina Board of Governors approved its agenda, which included the diversity policy repeal, with two members voting against the repeal. Campus changes are expected to take place at the start of the next school year.

UNC System President Peter Hans [photo] said in his meeting remarks that students and faculty should be allowed to confront “competing ideas” but the role of public universities is to remain neutral on “political controversies.”

Read the full article.


See. It’s started. Diversity? Too Political. Anything LGBT? Too Political. Racism? Too Political. Abortion? Too Political. And on and on.

Anything the Republicans don’t like will now be called political, just as the Supreme Court has decreed.

Board For NC Universities Repeals Diversity Take First Step In Approving White Hetero-Christian Nationalist Policies



Just wonderin’ what the racial makeup of that there board might look like..


Bullshit excuse using “competing ideas” to not treat students equally or address dangers they face.

But CRT is banned as well? Seems like this might be a bullshit front for something else?

Because fundamental human rights like the right to exist in public are “political controversies.”

Fuck those bigots.

So in other words, minority groups have to hear why it’s okay to treat them like shit with no pushback or safe spaces for them.
Fuck that.

Univ. of N.C. is going to “join other major universities … ” No, they’re going to forego the company of other major universities.

Bad people win…

…when good people COMPLY.


Appropriate then, appropriate now.


Silence = Approval
Silence = Complicity
Silence = Conformity
Silence = Surrender
Silence = Death

And getting rid of diversity isn’t politically neutral either. To be completely neutral, they would have to present both sides or nothing at all politically. They took a side.

I didn’t realize racial equality was “politically controversial”. I thought it was in the Constitution…

Not if you’re a “constitutional originalist”…

I bet if them Black athletes hit them transfer portals things would change back!

“institutional neutrality” = what every asshole from Jim Crow mongers to Chinese footbinders have always tried to sell their bullshit as

One of his ancestors no doubt thought educating women was not merely wasteful but immoral as well.

It’s very simple. The white Christians of NC feel threatened of losing their majority superiority so they want to send bat signals to people of color to leave or stay away.

Ongoing backlash over the removal of their unambiguously white supremacist Civil War statue.

And replaced by a statue of Billy Graham? That’s no improvement!

A reminder: If the religious right’s puppet, Donald Trump, gets back into the White House, this sort of thing — this thing in North Carolina — will soon become national policy.

Today’s Republicanism draws upon very basic human instincts. Instincts civilized and compassionate people seek to overcome.

Greed. Bias. The thirst for power at any cost.

Trump is a master of manipulation.

Of manipulating those instincts to his advantage.

“… … students and faculty should be allowed to confront “competing ideas” but the role of public universities is to remain neutral on “political controversies.”

“Competing Ideas” = racism, homophobia, trans phobia, xenophobia, et al.

“Remain Neutral … …” = BULLFUCKINGSHIT! This decision is not being neutral. It’s being racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, et al and political.




6 thoughts on “Board For NC Universities Repeals Diversity Policies

  1. f*ck that noise. question about this: can an individual university still be inclusive without a law decreeing it? i definitely get the egregious discriminatory nature of this and also wonder if there is anything preventing institutions from being inclusive without a law?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Susan. Welcome and thanks for commenting. Yes and no. These groups and rules help the university give a hand up to those that have been historically denied. With the support groups and the rules gone no one has to and if someone wanted to and got caught doing so … Then the racists could sue and the university would be held to be violating the rules and laws. So yes individuals in charge of different admitting tasks could … the student body still can … but the school administration can’t. Plus if the administration finds any department pushing, teaching, or using any DEI information or trying to use that in admissions and financing then they would have to be disciplined including fired along with the issue corrected. Hugs. Scottie

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Susan. Again I thank you for the comment. I try as hard as I can to answer comments. I love them. I think of them as a discussion in a room of people. Just people bouncing things off each other. Please if you have something to say on a post keep commenting. I love them. Hugs. Scottie

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Hi Susan. If I may bother you again. I was just at your blog. I love the first meme you have on the right side that starts … before you speak. I love it, it seems to be part of the golden rule thing. I would like to do a post of it, giving your blog the full credit if you don’t mind. I also would like to put it in my weekly meme round up. Thank you. Hugs. Scottie

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