NPR: Hate crime prosecutor details Ahmaud Arbery killers’ racist history

Hate crime prosecutor details Ahmaud Arbery killers’ racist history
The defense attorneys insisted the three men’s pursuit of the 25-year-old was prompted by “honest, though erroneous, suspicion that he committed crimes” and not because of his race.

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5 thoughts on “NPR: Hate crime prosecutor details Ahmaud Arbery killers’ racist history

  1. Good Morning Nan. Yes the assumption of guilt just because of black skin color. Or the reverse the assumption of good intent because of white skin color. I am so frustrated over the past two years about black people having the police called on them for daily living things white people wouldn’t be looked twice at. I hope that the videos and the stories being widely spread has started to make a difference in the racism. I cannot imagine being black in the US, I never realized just how much was piled on, how much suspicion and hate. How much effort to keep going against that.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Hello Nan. I have thought all day about the young black couple, college students, dating and they get into an argument. Someone called a cop or the cop just showed up. He was a large man in a bad mood. The cop started in on them and then attacked the young black guy. Lucky the woman recorded it as this large pissed off cop was holding his elbow into the kid’s neck cutting off his breathing. The woman was trying to stop him and the cop was threatening her also. I don’t know how good the CC is.


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