This was on twitter, it is what the supporters of DeathSantis, tRump, and other fundmentlist republican racist bigots.

11 thoughts on “This was on twitter, it is what the supporters of DeathSantis, tRump, and other fundmentlist republican racist bigots.

  1. What an evil group they are. According to the very little I have find out about them, not only are they a racist hate group they are actually a group of Nazis. Amongst other things, they advocate the public execution for “unnatural sex”, and while they describe that as “any sex not for procreation”, they also seem to imply that inter-racial unions are also “unnatural”. So both you and are targets. Additionally, while they are totally against abortion. their “patriarchal Powers” calls for the killing of defective babies at birth. I’m not usually an advocate of “name and shame”, but I think I could make an exception for members of this group.

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      1. Hello Barry. I don’t understand having that much hate for others. I can not wrap my head around the idea of anger so strong towards people who you never met and have never harmed you. Why do they care what sex someone has as long as it is consensual? What difference does skin color make in anything? Why be bothered by things that don’t matter? I thought we had stigmatized racism and bigotry to the point these people had to hide how they felt, but these days it seems they are proud of it, they brag about being racist bigots. These people want to return to a time when white straight cis Christian men were unquestionably in charge, women were dependent along with being subservient to men, black people knew their place and stayed there, and the LGBTQIA were hidden scared to be identified because of the repercussions. That is the world these people seem to crave. Best wishes, Scottie


    1. Hi Ali. Stunning isn’t it? Right out in the open, no shame or hiding their racism and bigotry. And why? I don’t get why these people are so hateful to people they never met over things that don’t matter or make a difference. Hugs, Scottie

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  2. The constitution has always been a stumbling block to the GOP and Christianity. Now they have consolidated their efforts.

    I know that I never thought the American voters would be so uninformed as to elect such a person, but here we are watching them prepare to do it again. Proudly. If they are successful, we are heading to 1823.

    Being straight white males will not be much of an edge. Keeping society uneducated, poor, and afraid, is the aim of the despot and the religious leaders.

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    1. Hello Cag Jr. It is scary how driven these groups are to return to a time when only they had rights, how driven they are to control every aspect of others lives. Hey if they don’t like movies or books with LGBTQIA characters then they don’t have to read them, but why do they think they can force everybody else not to read them? If they don’t want their kids to be read to by a drag queen, just don’t take them, but these people want to take away the right of other parents to let their children enjoy the event. If you don’t like a certain sex act just don’t do it, but don’t demand no one else do it. They want the right / power for white cis straight Christian men to rule over everyone else, to force others to live by their church doctrines. And in a lot of places they are making it happen. They are winning because they are driven while the rest of the people try to get along with their own lives. Hugs, Scottie


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