Oklahoma: EPIC Theft of Public Dollars by For-Profit Online Charter School

Thank you to politicians are poody heads at https://poodyheads.wordpress.com/2024/03/29/oklahoma-epic-theft-of-public-dollars-by-for-profit-online-charter-school/ for the link.   

Charter schools have long been a scam, a way to get either Christian theocracy into the classroom or for right wing profiteers to get tax dollars.   Remember these schools take dollars from public schools while being exempt from all the same rules.  Including test score rules.    Like church schools, they get to pick and choice which students they take, leaving the most difficult and disadvantaged to the public schools that lost money to the choosy charter schools.  Now it is coming out that most charter schools have horrible results.  In fact, one I read about was a tennis charter school that just had the students play tennis and never did school work.   Yup, those students will get into advanced education easily.   Hugs.   Scottie

7 thoughts on “Oklahoma: EPIC Theft of Public Dollars by For-Profit Online Charter School

    1. Hi Ali. Thank you for the email. I love the cartoon. I will post it soon. Please keep sending links and emails as you wish. I also found a gem waiting for me there. How people think that can hurt someone like me who was physically abused in all ways is funny. Words don’t hurt me. I don’t run from them, I laugh at them. Hugs. Scottie

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    1. Hi Suze. I did not realize you were from Oklahoma. I knew you talked about having your pride flag damaged and got the neighbors to fly them now. That is wonderful you could do that in your state. You have the governor who claimed the state for Jesus including the Native People’s lands, and the education head trying to make the bible the only books students can read. What amazes me is not only is the education head a deep bigot and Jesus pusher, he is also very racist.

      With all that, do you have any / many blue areas of the state? How did god bothers / pushers get to be in charge? Thanks. Hugs. Scottie

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      1. oh I am not FROM Oklahoma, I simply retired here. I am from Northern Virginia originally, Fairfax County to be exact. Raised with Military, Embassy and Political kids. Best school district in the country at the time.
        Oklahoma, a few years back, changed their voter districts, and squeezed it through the state house..it created pockets of democrats (mostly in Tulsa, OKC and Ft Sill. The rest of the areas were expanded to “republican” areas. Then they made it more difficult to vote, threw a bunch of independents off the rolls and Stitt won by a freaking landslide. That was the beginning of the end for reasonable people. A bunch of Stitt’s fellow idiots were placed in positions of power and the rules quickly began to change. Add in a minority of very loud Bible thumpers and MAGA’s and here we are. We have organized and are working hard to change things back to “normal”, but it takes time.

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        1. Hi Suze. Time. Yes you are correct it will take time all over the country to fix the problems republicans, trump / maga, and the fundamentalist have caused. It amazes me that republicans know their polices are so unpopular, so unwanted, so unliked that they must cheat to win elections. Wouldn’t they be better off simply changing their policies to attract more voters? Oh well, true believers feel the minority should rule over the majority. Here in Florida people are so angry at the republicans and dislike for DeathSantis so high the Dems might win back a lot of seats. Hugs. Scottie

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