“I Learned I Was Intersex At 21” | Listen Up | ABC Science

This video again shows that sex is a spectrum in a sliding scale from fully one with all the markers through to the end of the other side with fully all the markers for the other.   Simply because it dangles doesn’t mean internally the person is a male or boy.  There are more intersex people than red headed people in the world.  See if she had not had the surgeries to remove her internal testis, she would have developed male features with a vagina.   Hugs.  Scottie.  

Growing up, Mimi felt ashamed because she wasn’t like other girls. But a chance discovery at 21 changed that. Subscribe to ABC Science YouTube 👉 https://ab.co/2YFO4Go

Our sincere thanks to Mimi (she / they) for telling her story.

Intersex is an umbrella term for a range of chromosomal variations. Variations are a natural biological event, estimated to happen in about 17 in every 1,000 live births. That’s 1.7 per cent of the population.

There are over 30 different intersex variations with varying degrees of impact. For some, intersex features are noticeable from birth, while others don’t realize until they try for children. For more information, read: https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/inter…

2 thoughts on ““I Learned I Was Intersex At 21” | Listen Up | ABC Science

  1. Grey’s Anatomy had an ep about a patient with female parts but also testes, in the early seasons, but the patient was 14. Parents had to be involved, mom wanted to make the decision, dad wanted to let patient make the decision (I don’t want to spoil it.) It’s a well-presented episode, especially for a popular network tv drama. This does happen often. It could be us, or anyone we know. Doesn’t make them less human than any of the rest of us.

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    1. Hello Ali. Thank you for the information on the show. I don’t watch much TV, only the Sunday news shows broadcast on over the air. As for intersex, we are all on that sliding scale somewhere from woman to male. Every fetus starts out as female anyway, then some transition to male. Along the way the myriad of switches, genes, and chemicals trigger a lot of things to happen or to not happen. The only way to be sure is to have tests run. Which no one does without a reason to do so. I really wonder what a study of millions of US people would find? I bet a lot more intersex people. A lot of people who though of themselves one sex only to find they were a mixture of male and female sex markers.

      The point a lot of people struggle with is the advancements in medical science means we can not depend on the born baby test. Did you know that for a long time doctors would examine a baby’s penis if it was really small, and use a sliding scale measurement to decide if it needed to be removed, a vagina created, and the born boy would be raised as a girl. I thought that was a myth but yes, in some places a baby with a micro penis was given a sex change shortly after birth. Now that is sick. Thankfully men who have what is now known / called a micro penis are safe from having it removed.

      Medical practice since the 1950s has held that surgery is in order if a boy is born with a penis doctors believe will be too small for intercourse or if a girl has a clitoris more than 3/8 inch long. Typically, a penis less than one inch long has been removed, along with the testicles.

      Medical practice since the 1950s has held that surgery is in order if a boy is born with a penis doctors believe will be too small for intercourse or if a girl has a clitoris more than 3/8 inch long.

      Typically, a penis less than one inch long has been removed, along with the testicles. Doctors administer female hormones, and the child is reared as a girl. Clitorises deemed too long have been removed or reduced.


      There is a lot more information in the article if you want to read it. But yes sex changes and transitioning was a common practice for children. Hugs. Scottie

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