And now some of my favorite The Majority Report clips of the week

13 thoughts on “And now some of my favorite The Majority Report clips of the week

    1. Hello Ragnar. You are able to have your opinion on vaccines but as I have explained to you it is a fringe view that has been clearly and completely debunked. It has been four years of people taking the vaccines, which disproves everything the right wing media hosts pushed, everything the fringe medical groups claimed, and clearly the majority of medical organizations were correct.

      The majority of medical organizations were correct on vaccines. They are safe and effective at saving lives from Covid. They don’t kill people, they don’t cause heart problems, they don’t inplant microchips in to the blood to control people, and so on. The people on the right pushed these ideas to hurt Biden poltically and make themselves money. Hugs. Scottie


        1. Hi Ragnar. Those adverse reactions are minor and not life threatening. Covid can be and is. Even now unvaccinated people are dying from it. Those are now established facts. Dude you are fighting reason and reality. It is like people still arguing the earth is flat, or that the sun revolves around the earth. 4 years of proof is in. If the fringe was correct more people would die from the vaccines than died at the start from Covid before the vaccine. The data shows that did not happen.

          You say you use reason. Reason says the idea that vaccines were dangerous or harmful has been disproven. Hugs. Scottie


          1. Scottie, I agree with you in terms of the technical details. For me, the pertussis vaccine for whooping cough was off-the-table for 2 reasons: 1: My status as an epilepsy patient precluded my getting it because my medical care providers thought the seizure risk made it inadviseable. 2: Early experience with whooping cough gave me a preexisting immunity.

            Regarding the involvement that Robert W. Malone has with mRNA technology, I think he had intended for the possibility for there to be vaccines that were based in genetic components, not killed or weaken viruses. There are sources that indicates he promoted misinformation about the Covid so-called vaccine. Considering the fact that the vaccines have mRNA as part of the recipe, recipe being my choice of word, what he says I would be inclined to take at face value.


            1. Hi Ragnar. See again this is why I question your cognitive abilities. You are like a little kid repeating the same thing over and over long after you have been told something or corrected. You are the kid insisting that Mickey Mouse is a real mouse because it says so in the name long after everyone keeps tell you that it is a person in a costume. Seriously. We have covered your legitimate medical exemption. I have agreed that if your doctor says that your medical history is not compatible with the vaccine that you shouldn’t get one. Also we talked about Malone. He was not part of the vaccine team, he had no part in its development. To say he help invent the technology so he some how gets expert knowledge of the vaccine is wrong. It is the same as saying the person who invented the first combustion engine is qualified to argue against modern engines with all the integrated computer technology. Malone is wrong according to the experts. The experts that created the vaccine says he is wrong. Period. End of story. But Ragnar seriously understand that we have been over this, both things, a dozen times. Unless you are trying to say you have a mental handicap, please stop bring this stuff up. It doesn’t prove anything. Malone created the tires, he did not build the transmission or rest of the car. Hugs. Scottie


              1. Scottie, these so-called experts probably were not there to see the creation of the technology. Even if Robert W. Malone never invented the vaccine, he was involved in the technology that facilitated its creation. Every single source of fact-checking probably have no interest in facts.


    2. Hi Ragnar. Sorry I just enjoyed supper but I realized there were other aspects of your comment I wanted to explore than the anti-vaxx stuff. You said you like Sam Seder. I find that interesting as his views are in direct opposite of what you have expressed here before. What about Sam or the show do you find you like? Do you also like other hosts, what about the guests. Well I am off to bed, I am very tired. I look forward to reading your reply in the morning. Night, Hugs. Scottie


        1. Oh you really need to watch closer Ragnar. He gets very animated and agitated. You are correct that he has a grasp of facts and issues that many people lack. But he is also very emotional on issues he cares about. Do you watch the entire show, or just the free half? If you don’t watch the entire full show I encourage you do so. There is a way to do so without paying if you have the time. If not they offer free memberships for those not able to afford the show. Please let me know how much you watch. I can explain how to get the full show. But yes he is not without emotion and yes he knows his facts. Hugs. Scottie


          1. Scottie, I have seen some videos where he is somewhere between animated and relatively calm. To elaborate, here is what I mean: He gets into his topics with relative enthusiasm and yet is calm when he seems to offer rebuttals and disagreements.While I lean more to the right on a lot of things, I have a good share of left-leaning news anchors I find to be worthwhile to listen to.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Hi Ragnar. I think this is where you and I differ again. I rarely find any news anchors worth watching. My view is if they are just reading a script that someone else in the network is writing up for them then they are not worth my time. If you look at the videos I post they are from individual researchers and posters. And I prefer those that place their sources in their pages so they can be double-checked. Hugs. Scottie.


              1. Scottie, I agree with your general premise. If you will indulge my curiosity, here are 3 questions for you: 1: Who on both sides of the political spectrum do you think are interesting to listen to? 2: While he would have helped his case by not getting into the Sandy Hook issue to the extent of saying it never happened, what do you think of Alex Jones’ position that we are turning into a police state? 3: While we both seem to enjoy him despite the fact that I disagree with him politically, do you listen to The Majority Report w/Sam Seder regularly?


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