War in Gaza takes heavy toll on children

By my dogs that love gravy … damn, damn, damn, fucking bastards, goddamn swear word swear word.   I can not even think of enough vile words to say about this.  This is a sickening example of how the Israeli government see the Palestinians, including children.   I watched a video this morning of an Israeli government official justifying this mass slaughter and genocide saying they were not causing it, Hamas was.  They hit us (why because we were mistreating their people) hurting / killing 1,200 hundred of our so we can kill over 23,000 of them 10,000 of them confirmed children, and force the others to live in worse conditions than abandon animals.  Oh, and Israel took over a university / school system in Gaza, used it as their headquarters, “interrogated” Palestinians there, then proudly blew it all up, so no Palestinian could come back and someday be educated there.   That is a war crime.   All of this is.  

13 year old children trying to be the parents of 7 siblings because their parents are dead, with only other refuges to help.  They have nothing, and Israel gloats over this.  I am angry.  Hugs.   Scottie


As Israel presses on against Hamas in Gaza, children there are facing growing misery. Richard Engel reports on a 13-year-old who is now raising his seven siblings after his parents were likely killed.

2 thoughts on “War in Gaza takes heavy toll on children

  1. I mark this with a “Like” because I think the video needs to be seen. But of course, I DO NOT like what’s happening to the children. And yet … and yet … there are those who justify this simply because they are supporters of Israel.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Nan. I understand the like situation for you. As for justifying it because you support a nation, no, there are limits even to supporting your own country. The Israeli government like to claim there are no innocent Palestinians, that all are Hamas, they are all guilty. OK then, every Israeli citizen that supports the actions of their government / military in Gaza are guilt of genocide also. German people were judged guilty of the holocaust. Well this is not yet to 6 million, but it will soon be near 2.1 million if they remove all the Palestinians. Other than the number of deaths, everything that Germany did to and against Jewish people are being done to the Palestinians. So where is the world outcry, where is the uprising in Israel to stop their government? Hugs. Scottie


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